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Recently I made a post on an armor on the newvegas site were I stated that the armor provided was very similar to other armors and suggestion a slight change on the armor would do it some good. I started the comment with no offense and did not intend to do so either. But I got a lot of negative response and the maker of the mod stated that he did not get any benefits from me downloading it therefor I had no rights to make a suggestions. Isn't one uploading the mod to the site in the first place to get it evaluated? It seems that modders expect full pot or they will throw angry comments at the critic that didn't think it to be so great. Now i'm not saying that the modder is mean in any way and I completely understand his reasoning, but am I still not allowed to say what I think if I say it in a polite manner with respect without having my comment getting dislikes and the modder get angry at me? All i'm saying is that someone can't take critic, they shouldn't upload either. Right?

The link to the armor and comment is as following:




I'm just curious if I've missed something.

Thanks in advance!

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In short, it's just the way it is.


Some people are easily offended when it comes to a piece of work they could of worked a long time on. Looking at your comment, I wouldn't of said you delivered your criticism in an offending manner and definitely wouldn't of offended me if it was my piece of work, but everybody's different. You even threw a compliment but he/she still took it to heart.


Don't take it personally though, and also remember that you could of said that to the next guy to walk along and got a completely different response. You didn't do anything I wouldn't of done when delivering critic.

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Okay, I can understand that saying something like, this armor is ugly, would just be downright mean and stupid. But suggestions ought to be allowed don't they without having my comment downgraded and so on. Edited by Colactic
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You also have to realize that the armor as said in the description is provided "as is" meaning they are done with the piece. Also certain modders take a real beating for the types of armors they make to the point that they really don't want to hear it anymore.


If you have a suggestion on a technical issue I believe that would be one thing, but a subjective comment won't always get you the response you may have expected.


These mods are in large, a work of art. Art is subjective and very closes to the artist heart.

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A suggestion I would make is that if you have an idea to improve a mod, perhaps sending an IM to the mod author rather than posting in the public forum? This would keep the possibility of being seen as someone putting down the mod to the public and avoids the potential for a flame war on the forums.


One thing you might consider is mention you like the mod and would like to see future mods with specific changes to enhance what the author has already done. This leaves it up to the author to decide if he would like to spend more time on the mod and if he feels your ideas are good ones.

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The description quite clearly states "as is", anyway what do you expect if you call someones work unoriginal? very few modders would take kindly to that, especially when it comes from someone who hasn't contributed anything themselves.
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Isn't one uploading the mod to the site in the first place to get it evaluated?


Just to clarify... People don't upload mods so that others can judge their work. Most upload their works because they thought someone might get use out of their mod and wanted to give something to others that wasn't there before. Nobody needs, or necessarily wants their mod criticized unless they specifically ask for it. Not sure where you even got this silly idea that mods were uploaded to be evaluated... Mods are uploaded so that they can be USED and APPRECIATED by interested parties.


You're entitled to your opinion, but unless you have something good to say, you should really keep it to yourself.

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