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How do I rotate items in inventory?


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The game is supposed to let the player rotate the items in his/her inventory to get a clear 3d view of said items. However, I can't seem to find any way to rotate anything. I suspect this is either a bug, something I haven't seen yet, or bad console implementation, (I assume the rotation is done via the right analog stick, so maybe they forgot to translate the function to the PC controls).
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1. Select item normally in your Inventory (have the item NAME highlighted in the list and the picture on the right.)


2. Press "C", which will make the liit disappear and bring the item to the center of the screen.


3. Click-and-Hold the Left Mouse button.


4. Rotate item by moving the mouse.



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XBox controller settings disabled, pressed C so that the item is in full view, still can't rotate.


This new inventory feature was supposed to enhance gaming experience, however I can't rotate an item to view the combination to open a door...so yeah, awesome.

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