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Dragon City Mod


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Well, there are basicaly two ways we can make the hit boxes - we'll either make the hit box cover the steering wheel and make the rest smaller than the airboat hit-box making the two boxes cross, or we can make the steering wheel hit-box bigger than the airship hit-box. One of theese two possibilities should be acceptable for the engine - or atleast I hope so.


Then again that's all a moot point if the activator idea works. Because in that case both the ship and the wheel will have to have normal hit-boxes. So that the wheel can colide with the ship and walk on it.


I'm unsure how the moving activator colision detection works though, will it colide with the ground and sutchlike?

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Would it?
It would.


I think that in the end colision of the ship isn't all that important as long as it can carry the PC. Is there a way to determine the height of the land? If so can you script-constrict the mount-steering wheel to always fly above?

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An elevator? Well, I...ummm...I don't really know what to say to that. Besides the fact that it would have to be a ridiculously long elevator (think Space Elevator), it wouldn't really fit with the lore. if there was something attatching it to the ground, then people could come and go as they wished. And while it may seem strange, the story states that no one really wants to. You know, I really need to post that lore/storyline.
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An elevator? Well, I...ummm...I don't really know what to say to that. Besides the fact that it would have to be a ridiculously long elevator (think Space Elevator), it wouldn't really fit with the lore. if there was something attatching it to the ground, then people could come and go as they wished. And while it may seem strange, the story states that no one really wants to. You know, I really need to post that lore/storyline.


The mage tellaporting pads, from the arch mage place, youknow.


they are the funny purple pads...

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Neah I think that the only way to get up there is a dragon or possibly an enchanted key item of sorts that would create a portal for you.


Yeah but think about it, you could place on at all the citys... Mabey some dugeons or ruins...

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