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Dragon City Mod


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I'm mildly interested. Feel free to post the picture of your "dragon" air-ship and rest asured that if I don't like it then I'll just stay silent about it.


I wanted to post a few more ideas I had for the dwemer colony as well, but I don't want to mess our mighty leaders mind too much :D so I'll just keep quiet about that as well - until further notice.



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NonononononononononononoNOOOOOOOO!!! Don't keep quiet! This is your further notice! That idea was pure gold (no pun intended)! Remember, I put you in charge of that little venture? Bring any ideas you have to the table, right here. One big long post. Until you came up with that still-functioning colony idea, I had no backstory decent enough to bring up about the location and realization of the Dwemer ships. You aren't messing with my mind. Only the Cat does that. And besides, I'm not "mighty". I'm just all-powerful. :D


EDIT: I just saw, "Psycho"...There is a piece of software called an "expansion pack" in the business. It contains extra content to expand an already created game/software. The original is neccessary for the expansion pack to work. Many a page has been spent on this thread explaining and discussing one of these expansions for the Dragon City Mod. I think it involves flying Dwemer ships, but I'm not sure. I've also heard, though I am still uncertain, that it is the second project from the people behind the Dragon City Mod.

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An expansion for Dragon City Mod! Ugh, I guess it is time for more Oblivion-themed comparisons.

Explaining things to you is like trying to:


Shave a troll.

Castrate an ogre.

Saw the horns off of a daedra lord.

Steal sweetrolls from Fimmion.

Bathe a deadroth.

Kill Mehrunes Dagon.

Keep a straight face while talking to Sheogorath.

Convince Chancellor Ocato of anything until it is right in front of his face.


Got any others?

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shaveing a troll is easy do it in his sleep

castarte a ogre?!?!

saw the horns off a Daedra lord off Hirnice is not easy chase him frist

stealing a sweetrolls off Fimmion isnt easy no

bathe a god damn Daedroth?!? your mad?

Kill Dagon is what im going to do!



your bonkers mate + im to tired to think and partly drunk haha



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Oooh, well just a few basic things.... Did you know that the metal dwemer colonies are made of isn't realy metal? By the lore the dwemere used what they called "tonal engeneering" to transform stone into this metal. As a matter of fact they used this technique for pretty much everything. Using specialized tools, similar to keening and sunder from morowind. Did you know that most dwemer/dwarven armor you can find on tamriel is simply made of ill fitting parts from destroyed animiculi?


So, I've got this idea for an anoying enchanters guild member excavation team leader NPC pinned to the back of my head. A true dwemer fanboy that knows everything there is to know about them. This rather pesky person would follow you trough the colony(you'd have to protect him, he'd open a few doors and the like). Saying all theese I'm-so-smart-that-I'm-almost-stupid remarks, getting caught in traps and awkward situations, hawing all theese accidents hapen to him and running out of battle with a girlish high pitched scream although that he's dressed in full dwemer armor.


"Oh my, would you look at this, this is probably one of those tone wave emition devices. Hmm, I imagined it would look different, this kind of looks like a bow" "Be carefull when picking it up it's common knowledge that most tonal engeneering devices revibrate creating a kind of shock for the users body" "Uhh.... what are you doing with it? NO NO NO, IT'S NOT REALY BOW, IT'S NOT A WEAPON" "EEEK HELP IT'S ANOTHER OF THOSE HUGE ONES" *KABLAAAST* "Wow, that sure took care of him.... I..errr.. I would like to apologize for my previous outburst my lord, it won't hapen again... I think... You won't use that sensitive device as a weapon again, are you?"


"Hm, what is that, I've never seen something so intricate. oh no, oh wait, it blinks... and moves.... WHAT IS THAT SOUND? OH NO, IT'S A TRAP!"


"WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, that simply HAS to be the most amazing thing that I ever saw.... A real dwemer armor - not just scrap metal. It's wonderfull!! Just look at it! It's not even made out of dwemer metal, but ebony! And would you look at this, this part looks like if it could move... But it doesn't... how strange. Anyway, since I AM the ruling dwemer expert I will get to try it first" "OUCH THE ARMOR BIT ME, IT BIT ME, YOU UGLY male without a father TAKE THIS!!! *KICK* OUCH MY FRIKIN LEG!!"


etc ;D


Oh I also though making "Intrusion detection system device"-es (camera's) and sweeping animiculi to keep the place clean. ("Hm, where are the scouts corpses?", "Hm, look at that animiculi, it's doing... something... to that opening in the wall" "It's another of those garbage shafts, but this one seems broken. We should investigate. Hm, I bet there are spiders in there. We probably should go there, it's dangerous." ;D)


Tonal wave revribation protection device, (glowes) Reactive impact hammer (Warhammer), heavy tonal adjustment device (hammer), precise tonal adjustment device (dagger), Wave emition device (bow), micro-vibrating cutting device (claymore), sharpened tonal wave emiter (longsword). Oh and the armor. I have something very very very special planed for the armor.




;D ;D ;D

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