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Missing LOD Files


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  • 4 months later...

this happened because you don't have files for generating LOD objects.


you need to extract from .bsa archives under "\LOD" subdirectory all necessary .nif files for meshes and .dds files for textures.

.nif files must be located in "Fallout\Data\meshes\LOD" directory.

.dds files must be converted to .tga and located in "\Source\TGATextures\....".

you need convert all - "_d.dds" for diffuse, "_n.dds" for normal, "_s.dds" for specular.

"\Source" folder must be located in parental directory of "Fallout 4" game.

for example:

D:\Games\Steam\...bla bla bla...\Fallout 4\Data\meshes\LOD\DLC07\Trees\pinecock.nif

D:\Games\Steam\...bla bla bla...\Souce\TGATextures\LOD\DLC07\Trees\pinecock_d.tga

certainly you must not break the ".bsa" folder's structure when extracting or moving files.


if you has files in right folder CK done generating LOD without issue.

I'm stuck with generating static object meshes because of error:

Texture atlas build failed with the following errors:
Mismatching texture counts for LOD objects (85 diffuse textures, 85 normal textures, 0 specular textures). This will cause UV mapping issues with the atlas.

if anyone know how to fix this error or found anything wrong in my suggestions please welcome to help.

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Your spot on with the needed files part.


My guess on your specular issue, is that the specular textures used for LOD don't have LOD in their file names so you haven't converted them to .tga and placed them properly in your source folder. This was an issue in FNV with many LOD meshes and textures not following the proper naming convention.


I'm only taking a shot in the dark though, i have not tried to generate LOD yet in FO4.

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as I know for Skyrim CK don't require normal and specular .tga textures to build texture atlas just diffuse. seems that FO3 and FNV similar to Skyrim. for FO4 CK required all of them.

I have all necessary *_d.tga, *_n.tga and *_s.tga in "\Source" folder but counts for specular is 0. probably I'm not properly converting these specular textures but can't find any tutorial of how to done this.

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