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Guys one of your own is threatening to brick consoles


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Lol this whole thing was a prank to start fights?um no one likes you anymore there boycotting your mods and other pc gamer want you banned. The only thing you got was a few moments of fun and now peaple are just going to ignore your mods and stop listening to you in the future.

He'll probably still be fine here though.


I'll be fine on bethesda.aids as well, there are what 3 million xbox users, and at best a few thousand who even use the forums psh






M2C: It's a non event - if it's true and he uploaded this via Bethseda he would have both them and Microsofts lawyers on his ass, and as nerd / autistic as he sounds he can't be that dumb. No point in fretting and no need for alarm, we have enough to worry about with PS4* users showing up soon without worrying about any of this juve "I'm a hakkerz GOD" s***. Put away the outrage console brethren and focus elsewhere!


(*Note - I also own a PS console, this is a joke - I'm just not that funny)



Way to call DDP autistic for no apparent reason...


That reddit thread sure hates ya though DDP. You're just a big ol' A-hole.



The reason is pretty apparent to me, sure sounds and acts like he is somewhere on the spectrum to me - but my bad if I hurt his feelings: I may have thrown that in there out of mischief rather than compassion.



The only way you could actually affect me btw is if you meant something to me, as some random person I have never met nor interacted with till right now, your opinion and thoughts are about as meaningful to me as the next ant. And yes, i am def on the spectrum, which is phenomenal as it makes me a emotional brick wall which trolls and haters on the internet cannot hope to actually even Asian away at :smile:


Figured as much, I've got some experience with people on the spectrum so it stood out to me on yr vids. I should have self censored before I threw it out there as snark in a forum post tho. Again, My bad.


(You sure do pull the "oh no look whats happening to poor me it's a travesty!" thing a lot for someone who is an emotional brick wall. On the plus side it's made it super easy to work out who to take seriously and who to avoid on the forums so "thanks" for that I guess? )


The thing is, if it can happen to me on these sites, it can happen to others. Also, what better way to screw with people than to play their own victim card back at them.

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A serious reply. The Nexus WILL ban you. Bethesda WILL ban you. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, or how much logic is on your side.


Let me explain why. You are like an early airline traveller after the USA implemented USELESS 'security' THEATRE- and then had the mass media propagandise this useless activity as "for the greater good". Being intelligent, you are sickened when everyone has to remove their shoes, or TSA agents approach people and stuff 'probes' into the cups they are holding. You KNOW the sheeple are being manipulated, and it makes you mad.


So when you travel, you start to speak LOUDLY so other passengers can hear you. You talk about things that are TRUE, but that the state just doesn't want the sheeple to hear. You start to slip the word 'BOMB' into your conversation- ensuring the CONTEXT makes it clear you are no threat.


But one day you are ARRESTED- and your loud manner and the use of the word 'bomb' are used as an excuse. You discover you have ZERO RIGHTS in this brave new world, and all the other 'intellectuals' and 'freedom lovers' you assumed would step up to defend you have voices so quiet (in the system) they may as well be silent. You are convicted and BANNED from flying, simply because of your attitude.


As a response, you say "to heck with you- I hated flying anyway" and tell all your friends that from now on you are going to drive everywhere- and that's what you always wanted- but the system doesn't care because it WON and you LOST.


The thinking, intellectual minority understands why your use of 'freedom of speech' and 'freedom of thought' is a GOOD thing. But the MAJORITY of people here, as with elsewhere in the West, are now heavily brainwashed sheep- and Animal Farm defined the usefulness of sheep.


I can't be bothered to read thru your stuff to see if you really found a weakness in the console that would allow bricking via a mod, or whether it was just a wind-up, and frankly it doesn't matter. What matters is that you need to STOP shouting 'bomb' in the 'airport' if you want to keep your freedoms to be able to say and promote other useful ideas. The Nexus is a COMMERCIAL entitly, and the idea of principles here are an ILLUSION. Nexus has RULES, and is currently engaged with Bethesda in an effort to prove that Nexus is a 'good boy' (which is why Nexus enforces the legal nonsense of Beth's 'NDA').


The organised attacks on Nexus are becoming ever more sophisticated (take the program to contact mod authors, and have them REVOKE permission to use their mods by modders who are 'anti-console' as a BRILLIANT example), and the low-hanging fruit, such as yourself, are a way too easy target for the trolls.

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Not sure why you are speaking as if you have some inside information from NexusMods Staff... DD has not given NexusMods reasons to ban him in this case, and Nexus is certainly not engaged with Bethesda in an effort to prove that Nexus is a 'good boy'. Any rules we enforce have nothing to do with Bethesda, but are NexusMods rules, which applies just as much to Bethesda as any other company.

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A serious reply. The Nexus WILL ban you. Bethesda WILL ban you. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, or how much logic is on your side.


Let me explain why. You are like an early airline traveller after the USA implemented USELESS 'security' THEATRE- and then had the mass media propagandise this useless activity as "for the greater good". Being intelligent, you are sickened when everyone has to remove their shoes, or TSA agents approach people and stuff 'probes' into the cups they are holding. You KNOW the sheeple are being manipulated, and it makes you mad.


So when you travel, you start to speak LOUDLY so other passengers can hear you. You talk about things that are TRUE, but that the state just doesn't want the sheeple to hear. You start to slip the word 'BOMB' into your conversation- ensuring the CONTEXT makes it clear you are no threat.


But one day you are ARRESTED- and your loud manner and the use of the word 'bomb' are used as an excuse. You discover you have ZERO RIGHTS in this brave new world, and all the other 'intellectuals' and 'freedom lovers' you assumed would step up to defend you have voices so quiet (in the system) they may as well be silent. You are convicted and BANNED from flying, simply because of your attitude.


As a response, you say "to heck with you- I hated flying anyway" and tell all your friends that from now on you are going to drive everywhere- and that's what you always wanted- but the system doesn't care because it WON and you LOST.


The thinking, intellectual minority understands why your use of 'freedom of speech' and 'freedom of thought' is a GOOD thing. But the MAJORITY of people here, as with elsewhere in the West, are now heavily brainwashed sheep- and Animal Farm defined the usefulness of sheep.


I can't be bothered to read thru your stuff to see if you really found a weakness in the console that would allow bricking via a mod, or whether it was just a wind-up, and frankly it doesn't matter. What matters is that you need to STOP shouting 'bomb' in the 'airport' if you want to keep your freedoms to be able to say and promote other useful ideas. The Nexus is a COMMERCIAL entitly, and the idea of principles here are an ILLUSION. Nexus has RULES, and is currently engaged with Bethesda in an effort to prove that Nexus is a 'good boy' (which is why Nexus enforces the legal nonsense of Beth's 'NDA').


The organised attacks on Nexus are becoming ever more sophisticated (take the program to contact mod authors, and have them REVOKE permission to use their mods by modders who are 'anti-console' as a BRILLIANT example), and the low-hanging fruit, such as yourself, are a way too easy target for the trolls.


You do realize that as if right now and likely for several more moths untill they completely change the site anyone can upload any mods to the bethesda site.


All they need is a disposable email account.


Bethesda does not track who uploads mods, and even if they did all you would need is a way to mask your IP address, something that isn't that hard to come by.


All DDProductions did was show that it was possible to brick a console using mods.


The fact that allot of people haven't actually been bricking consoles shows the restraint of the modding community and their patience with both the lil shits on the consoles and Bethesda.

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Or maybe they'll just figure it's too much trouble and throw the baby out with the bath water. If that happens, there is a good chance they'll take a second look at providing the CK for future releases. The console market is just too big for them to take a chance on it.


Even if the console mods market doesn't work out, I can guarantee they will still release CK for their future works. They would be stupid not to. The modding community increases the life of their games and boosts sales of their games. Even if they're not directly involved with the modding community, they would be throwing away a lot of money by not releasing the CK.



I'm not sure, but I think he means providing the CK to console users? If so...no, it just won't work.


At least not without really hurting the potential of the modding scene for that game.



So what I was trying to say was this:


The console market is legion compared to the PC market and consoles are getting more technically adept all the time. If Beth can't make mods work on consoles, what is their motivation to continue supporting them (via things like the CK) for PC users? I'm not saying that will happen or that Beth can't solve the multiple issues surrounding mods on consoles, but their market, for all practical purposes, is consoles, not PC game sales.


The next TES will have a different engine, and quite possibly be VR-based. Its in our best interest to help make mods on consoles work (so Beth continues to support the CK etc. in the future) , even if it means a bit of white-hat exploration of possible exploits (even if this topic's impetus is a false one).

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Even if it was a joke and faked there are still tons of things someone with a malicious mindset could do.


As for bethesda stopping mod support. I doubt they ever would no matter what the mod community did to consoles.


At this point their games pretty much have to have mod support or the sales will suffer greatly. Has been true for PC side for years and even with the problems allowing consoles to support mods, once they do it taking it away would be bad business.


I just wish they had talked to the modding community and thought it all out more before hand, they could have easily saved themselves a headache.

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A serious reply. The Nexus WILL ban you. Bethesda WILL ban you. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, or how much logic is on your side.


Let me explain why. You are like an early airline traveller after the USA implemented USELESS 'security' THEATRE- and then had the mass media propagandise this useless activity as "for the greater good". Being intelligent, you are sickened when everyone has to remove their shoes, or TSA agents approach people and stuff 'probes' into the cups they are holding. You KNOW the sheeple are being manipulated, and it makes you mad.


So when you travel, you start to speak LOUDLY so other passengers can hear you. You talk about things that are TRUE, but that the state just doesn't want the sheeple to hear. You start to slip the word 'BOMB' into your conversation- ensuring the CONTEXT makes it clear you are no threat.


But one day you are ARRESTED- and your loud manner and the use of the word 'bomb' are used as an excuse. You discover you have ZERO RIGHTS in this brave new world, and all the other 'intellectuals' and 'freedom lovers' you assumed would step up to defend you have voices so quiet (in the system) they may as well be silent. You are convicted and BANNED from flying, simply because of your attitude.


As a response, you say "to heck with you- I hated flying anyway" and tell all your friends that from now on you are going to drive everywhere- and that's what you always wanted- but the system doesn't care because it WON and you LOST.


The thinking, intellectual minority understands why your use of 'freedom of speech' and 'freedom of thought' is a GOOD thing. But the MAJORITY of people here, as with elsewhere in the West, are now heavily brainwashed sheep- and Animal Farm defined the usefulness of sheep.


I can't be bothered to read thru your stuff to see if you really found a weakness in the console that would allow bricking via a mod, or whether it was just a wind-up, and frankly it doesn't matter. What matters is that you need to STOP shouting 'bomb' in the 'airport' if you want to keep your freedoms to be able to say and promote other useful ideas. The Nexus is a COMMERCIAL entitly, and the idea of principles here are an ILLUSION. Nexus has RULES, and is currently engaged with Bethesda in an effort to prove that Nexus is a 'good boy' (which is why Nexus enforces the legal nonsense of Beth's 'NDA').


The organised attacks on Nexus are becoming ever more sophisticated (take the program to contact mod authors, and have them REVOKE permission to use their mods by modders who are 'anti-console' as a BRILLIANT example), and the low-hanging fruit, such as yourself, are a way too easy target for the trolls.



You are slightly (or not so slightly) insane, you know this, right?


And again, this whole thing was FAKE. FAKED. NOT REAL. DOESN'T EXIST. IMAGINARY. Never seen so many people get so worked up over something faked...

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