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Guys one of your own is threatening to brick consoles


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wait..... did you guys actually thought it was real? DD could actually go to prison for releasing something like that. He is a funny troll who likes to act like an a-hole, not an idiot...


He could already go to prison! He said "bomb" in the "airport." Why can't you sheeple see that in this brave new world that I've totally got figured out, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!! WE HAVE NO RIGHTS! CHEMTRAILS! IDTECH 5!

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Or maybe they'll just figure it's too much trouble and throw the baby out with the bath water. If that happens, there is a good chance they'll take a second look at providing the CK for future releases. The console market is just too big for them to take a chance on it.


Even if the console mods market doesn't work out, I can guarantee they will still release CK for their future works. They would be stupid not to. The modding community increases the life of their games and boosts sales of their games. Even if they're not directly involved with the modding community, they would be throwing away a lot of money by not releasing the CK.



I'm not sure, but I think he means providing the CK to console users? If so...no, it just won't work.


At least not without really hurting the potential of the modding scene for that game.



So what I was trying to say was this:


The console market is legion compared to the PC market and consoles are getting more technically adept all the time. If Beth can't make mods work on consoles, what is their motivation to continue supporting them (via things like the CK) for PC users? I'm not saying that will happen or that Beth can't solve the multiple issues surrounding mods on consoles, but their market, for all practical purposes, is consoles, not PC game sales.


The next TES will have a different engine, and quite possibly be VR-based. Its in our best interest to help make mods on consoles work (so Beth continues to support the CK etc. in the future) , even if it means a bit of white-hat exploration of possible exploits (even if this topic's impetus is a false one).


As of the last two years the PC gaming market exceeded the console market in total dollars so not as much as conventional wisdom says. TES specifically, I dunno. That being said consoles and mods is not a bad thing if we can just get past this and PC modding is not damaged.

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I would just like to say that I use both console and PC and with older titles I have been able to play them on my less beefy PC and mod them but I use my XBOXone now because on a coaches salary I cant exactly afford a new PC. I quite enjoy mods and try to let modders know of my appreciation when I like something and I absolutely do not support the stealing of mods. However I have downloaded a stolen mod on my xbox (which I removed and reported when I found out it was stolen) my point being that it is very easy for console users to get duped, I am most likely one of the few that went back and did some research when I heard about this fiasco. It would be nice to have a way to cross reference these between the two sites because in alot of cases modders have different names on both sites... just thinking out loud here, have a nice day guys.

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I would just like to say that I use both console and PC and with older titles I have been able to play them on my less beefy PC and mod them but I use my XBOXone now because on a coaches salary I cant exactly afford a new PC. I quite enjoy mods and try to let modders know of my appreciation when I like something and I absolutely do not support the stealing of mods. However I have downloaded a stolen mod on my xbox (which I removed and reported when I found out it was stolen) my point being that it is very easy for console users to get duped, I am most likely one of the few that went back and did some research when I heard about this fiasco. It would be nice to have a way to cross reference these between the two sites because in a lot of cases modders have different names on both sites... just thinking out loud here, have a nice day guys.

There is a way now. If a mod author ports their mod they can put a link to the console version(s) on bethesdabay in the Mirrors tab

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I don't blame DD or any other mod author who uses this kind of DRM.

There needed to be rules and countermeasures (anticipation) put in place to stop the inevitable theft of mods from pc and put on the consoles.


It was obvious from the get go Bethesda would somehow f*** it all up, and i've always suspected they're going to try for the paid mods thing again.


They needed to release modding tools just for the consoles and that would be the only way to get mods onto consoles. Not have it so you create on pc and port over.

This was where it fails.

Edited by vlaka
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Except porting over from PC is a good thing, doing it illegally is bad but doing it if it's your mod? That's good. Separating the two is just silly though.
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I would just like to say that I use both console and PC and with older titles I have been able to play them on my less beefy PC and mod them but I use my XBOXone now because on a coaches salary I cant exactly afford a new PC. I quite enjoy mods and try to let modders know of my appreciation when I like something and I absolutely do not support the stealing of mods. However I have downloaded a stolen mod on my xbox (which I removed and reported when I found out it was stolen) my point being that it is very easy for console users to get duped, I am most likely one of the few that went back and did some research when I heard about this fiasco. It would be nice to have a way to cross reference these between the two sites because in a lot of cases modders have different names on both sites... just thinking out loud here, have a nice day guys.

There is a way now. If a mod author ports their mod they can put a link to the console version(s) on bethesdabay in the Mirrors tab


I didn't realize that, thanks for the info.

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