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Guys one of your own is threatening to brick consoles


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M2C: It's a non event - if it's true and he uploaded this via Bethseda he would have both them and Microsofts lawyers on his ass, and as nerd / autistic as he sounds he can't be that dumb. No point in fretting and no need for alarm, we have enough to worry about with PS4* users showing up soon without worrying about any of this juve "I'm a hakkerz GOD" s***. Put away the outrage console brethren and focus elsewhere!


(*Note - I also own a PS console, this is a joke - I'm just not that funny)



Way to call DDP autistic for no apparent reason...


That reddit thread sure hates ya though DDP. You're just a big ol' A-hole.


Which reddit thread?

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https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/4oicyu/fo4_be_on_on_alert_possible_console_mods_can/d4cw5l7 this one, about the video being fake.



"Can we ban this c**t from modding period? Ban his IP from Nexus and Beth.net.

I'm sick of his s***. " Just picked a single comment, lol. There's a few there.

That's some great stuff in there :) I missed a lot the last few days :( lol Probably got 14 hours of entertainment waiting in starlords youtube vid. I shoulda lied to MXR and we coulda had another video by this point.

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M2C: It's a non event - if it's true and he uploaded this via Bethseda he would have both them and Microsofts lawyers on his ass, and as nerd / autistic as he sounds he can't be that dumb. No point in fretting and no need for alarm, we have enough to worry about with PS4* users showing up soon without worrying about any of this juve "I'm a hakkerz GOD" s***. Put away the outrage console brethren and focus elsewhere!


(*Note - I also own a PS console, this is a joke - I'm just not that funny)



Way to call DDP autistic for no apparent reason...


That reddit thread sure hates ya though DDP. You're just a big ol' A-hole.



The reason is pretty apparent to me, sure sounds and acts like he is somewhere on the spectrum to me - but my bad if I hurt his feelings: I may have thrown that in there out of mischief rather than compassion.

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Guest deleted10460550

Lol this whole thing was a prank to start fights?um no one likes you anymore there boycotting your mods and other pc gamer want you banned. The only thing you got was a few moments of fun and now peaple are just going to ignore your mods and stop listening to you in the future.

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Lol this whole thing was a prank to start fights?um no one likes you anymore there boycotting your mods and other pc gamer want you banned. The only thing you got was a few moments of fun and now peaple are just going to ignore your mods and stop listening to you in the future.

He'll probably still be fine here though.

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Lol this whole thing was a prank to start fights?um no one likes you anymore there boycotting your mods and other pc gamer want you banned. The only thing you got was a few moments of fun and now peaple are just going to ignore your mods and stop listening to you in the future.

He'll probably still be fine here though.


I'll be fine on bethesda.aids as well, there are what 3 million xbox users, and at best a few thousand who even use the forums psh






M2C: It's a non event - if it's true and he uploaded this via Bethseda he would have both them and Microsofts lawyers on his ass, and as nerd / autistic as he sounds he can't be that dumb. No point in fretting and no need for alarm, we have enough to worry about with PS4* users showing up soon without worrying about any of this juve "I'm a hakkerz GOD" s***. Put away the outrage console brethren and focus elsewhere!


(*Note - I also own a PS console, this is a joke - I'm just not that funny)



Way to call DDP autistic for no apparent reason...


That reddit thread sure hates ya though DDP. You're just a big ol' A-hole.



The reason is pretty apparent to me, sure sounds and acts like he is somewhere on the spectrum to me - but my bad if I hurt his feelings: I may have thrown that in there out of mischief rather than compassion.



The only way you could actually affect me btw is if you meant something to me, as some random person I have never met nor interacted with till right now, your opinion and thoughts are about as meaningful to me as the next ant. And yes, i am def on the spectrum, which is phenomenal as it makes me a emotional brick wall which trolls and haters on the internet cannot hope to actually even chink away at :)

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Lol this whole thing was a prank to start fights?um no one likes you anymore there boycotting your mods and other pc gamer want you banned. The only thing you got was a few moments of fun and now peaple are just going to ignore your mods and stop listening to you in the future.

He'll probably still be fine here though.


I'll be fine on bethesda.aids as well, there are what 3 million xbox users, and at best a few thousand who even use the forums psh






M2C: It's a non event - if it's true and he uploaded this via Bethseda he would have both them and Microsofts lawyers on his ass, and as nerd / autistic as he sounds he can't be that dumb. No point in fretting and no need for alarm, we have enough to worry about with PS4* users showing up soon without worrying about any of this juve "I'm a hakkerz GOD" s***. Put away the outrage console brethren and focus elsewhere!


(*Note - I also own a PS console, this is a joke - I'm just not that funny)



Way to call DDP autistic for no apparent reason...


That reddit thread sure hates ya though DDP. You're just a big ol' A-hole.



The reason is pretty apparent to me, sure sounds and acts like he is somewhere on the spectrum to me - but my bad if I hurt his feelings: I may have thrown that in there out of mischief rather than compassion.



The only way you could actually affect me btw is if you meant something to me, as some random person I have never met nor interacted with till right now, your opinion and thoughts are about as meaningful to me as the next ant. And yes, i am def on the spectrum, which is phenomenal as it makes me a emotional brick wall which trolls and haters on the internet cannot hope to actually even Asian away at :smile:


Figured as much, I've got some experience with people on the spectrum so it stood out to me on yr vids. I should have self censored before I threw it out there as snark in a forum post tho. Again, My bad.


(You sure do pull the "oh no look whats happening to poor me it's a travesty!" thing a lot for someone who is an emotional brick wall. On the plus side it's made it super easy to work out who to take seriously and who to avoid on the forums so "thanks" for that I guess? )

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