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Guys one of your own is threatening to brick consoles


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I would just like to say that I use both console and PC and with older titles I have been able to play them on my less beefy PC and mod them but I use my XBOXone now because on a coaches salary I cant exactly afford a new PC. I quite enjoy mods and try to let modders know of my appreciation when I like something and I absolutely do not support the stealing of mods. However I have downloaded a stolen mod on my xbox (which I removed and reported when I found out it was stolen) my point being that it is very easy for console users to get duped, I am most likely one of the few that went back and did some research when I heard about this fiasco. It would be nice to have a way to cross reference these between the two sites because in a lot of cases modders have different names on both sites... just thinking out loud here, have a nice day guys.

There is a way now. If a mod author ports their mod they can put a link to the console version(s) on bethesdabay in the Mirrors tab


I didn't realize that, thanks for the info

Im having a hard time finding the tab your talking about. Prob just me overlooking it though

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I would just like to say that I use both console and PC and with older titles I have been able to play them on my less beefy PC and mod them but I use my XBOXone now because on a coaches salary I cant exactly afford a new PC. I quite enjoy mods and try to let modders know of my appreciation when I like something and I absolutely do not support the stealing of mods. However I have downloaded a stolen mod on my xbox (which I removed and reported when I found out it was stolen) my point being that it is very easy for console users to get duped, I am most likely one of the few that went back and did some research when I heard about this fiasco. It would be nice to have a way to cross reference these between the two sites because in a lot of cases modders have different names on both sites... just thinking out loud here, have a nice day guys.

There is a way now. If a mod author ports their mod they can put a link to the console version(s) on bethesdabay in the Mirrors tab


I didn't realize that, thanks for the info

Im having a hard time finding the tab your talking about. Prob just me overlooking it though


Bear in mind that the Mirrors tab will only show if there are actually any mirrors listed to begin with. It's on the row with the DESC, FILES, etc.

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cops don't expose a drug house by running around in their underpants, smoking crack, and trying to rape the neighbor pets.


Judging by your comments, you seem to have experience on this matter...



He didn't upload a mod to break anyones crap, nor did he threaten to that I am aware of.. jeez.


He pointed out that its possible, and that people really ought to pay attention to what mods they download, and watch for stolen content... a lot of stolen mods are getting uploaded as something like "test" or "testing" and people blindly download it. What happens when someone who is mad or wants to destroy peoples hardware "for the lulz" and they upload another "test" mod that uses something like what DDP pointed out??


THAT's his point. Not to threaten anyone. Please make sure you understand before making posts that make you look incapable of reading / listening.


I think DD's point is that Bethesda should be screening the mods before they get posted. If mods were being screened, Bethesda would have zero excuses for allowing stolen mods to slip through. The threat of a payload is meant to be hypothetical, we modders wouldn't seriously do something so destructive. However, such a threat is probably the only thing that might actually influence Bethesda to pull their finger out and start screening mods, as it is my opinion that they simply don't give a rats backside about mod theft.

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