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Few noob questions about UI


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Hey guys, I've ran the game and there are a few things that make my life somewhat harder than I remember from Oblivion. But I've already fixed one of the issues I though had no fix so maybe I just can't find solutions... And our manual really doesn't tell us a useful thing.



So anyway:


1. The skill UI - is there some way to view all of the skills at once? I like to have an overview, see what's low, what's high, what's close to an end etc. I don't want to have to sift through the screens just to see other 5 or so skills while not seeing the rest of them again. A scrollable list would work, I guess.


2. The inventory - is there a way to view character on the side screen like there used to be in Oblivion? I liked to see the gear's looks in that view :P


4. Is there a way to view the entire map in "flat" mode, not 3d?


5. Can I make my character look younger without her forehead wrinkled? xD I picked the lowest "complexion" but it's still wrinkled :P I have a feeling that this facial editor actually has less options than the one in Oblivion. Did I miss something?


9. Can I cast a spell without entering combat mode (and so having camera follow the character's back)?


10. How to temporarily hide the UI without going to options and lowering the transparency? You know, that quicky button you use to then make awesome screenshots? :psyduck:





[answered] 3. How I can I bind spells/weapon to the keyboard?


[found an answer] 6. Are there any/where could I find console commands? I'd prefer to adjust my skill levels to all be even at the start of the game (OCD, I know it's silly). And I'd like to be able to bring back the character creation to change hair once in a while and whatnot. The rest I can live without :rolleyes:


[answered] 7. Where can I see character effects? What buffs are on, what debuffs? If there's a disease, poison, whatever?


[answered] 8. How to move items on the game screen? Pick them up and carry in hand etc. Like in Oblivion you could pick up a bucket and throw it or even move the body someplace?

Edited by Esteris
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Thanks. I've also found a way to work the console. I've found a way to set stats to the values I choose, so 5 is also doable and I guess it's a matter of time before people find more commands :)


But I've got some more n00b questions...


6. Where can I see character effects? What buffs are on, what debuffs? If there's a disease, poison, whatever?


7. How to move items on the game screen? Pick them up and carry in hand etc. Like in Oblivion you could pick up a bucket and throw it or even move the body someplace?


8. Can I cast a spell without entering combat mode (and so having camera follow the character's back)?


9. How to temporarily hide the UI without going to options and lowering the transparency? You know, that quicky button you use to then make awesome screenshots? :psyduck:




>> will add these to the first post for the sake of increasing my answers chance :P

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6. Where can I see character effects? What buffs are on, what debuffs? If there's a disease, poison, whatever?


Go to the 4-pronged-menu thing, go to your magic menu, and go down to active effects or whatever it's called.

It's in the same menu as all your other spells and debuffs appear there too.

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Thank you very much. I've moved answered questions in the first post. Maybe someone will drop by who will know an answer to the remaining ones that is not "no can do". A mod may well be an answer ;)
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