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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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So I had this problem since day one. I couldn't play more than 10-15 mins before crashing.


The atiumdag.dll fix seemed to work.... until I made a new character. I found that the atiumpud.dll was recreated in the skyrim folder so I removed it. The strange thing is, I can play on my older character fine, but I can't play without crashing on the new character.


Curious if anyone had a similar experience or any suggestions.



Edited by Methodan
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Got linked here from the official RIFT forum. This is my first post, hello guys :D


Anyways, RIFT has been having this issue since April...beta, launch, retail, and now tons of patches in...and they still haven't fixed it.


We have our own hundred page thread over there too! Check it out: http://forums.riftgame.com/rift-general-discussions/tech-support/158752-trion-blackscreen-freeze-issue-fix-give-us-answer-please.html


Maybe Bethesda and Trion should pull their collective heads out of their collective a**es and pull together for a fix...since they both seem to be suffering the same issue.


What do you guys think about that?


The first thing catching the eye is that they are based on the same game engine (gamebryo).

Yes I know Beth so exited to have new engine they call "creation engine", but we all know where the roots of this are.


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The fix involving replacing atiumdag.dll seems to have worked for me. I went from crashing every 30 seconds no matter what I was doing in-game to a crash-free play session spanning hours.


If you're an ATI/AMD card user, try it out, and let us know how it works. I added this info to the

I made 3 weeks ago. If the fix works for you, please go leave a comment there, too. Edited by DanRocco
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I've put in over 90 hours of game time into Skyrim before 1.3, playing 5 hours at a time with no issues. Since 1.3 patched, I can not play more than 5 minutes at a time.


Once the game loads and gets to the main menu(Continue, Load, New, Etc...) my mouse begins to lag. After choosing a previous save, the loading screen goes through 2 or 3 info screens before loading the game. Before 1.3 I barely got to read all the text from the loading screen, because it loaded so fast. Once in game it doesn't matter what I do, because within 3-5 minutes the game crashes to a screen that looks like THIS, a colorful pixelated screen. Shortly after crashing the sound either starts skipping or looping. I normally have to force a restart, but every once in a while the comp will restart itself.


I've tried several of the suggested fixes this this thread(Antifreeze, windowed mode, reducing graphics to low, etc...) and nothing works or even slows down the incoming crash.

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Underclocking my GF Ti 560 from 822 Mhz to 700 Mhz stopped black screens (at least I played for 3 hrs non stop while previously it would be maximum 20 minutes)

I also haven't seen black screen in Trine game as well.


It all means that the problem not entirelly in Scyrim.


It could be unoptimized code or smth like that, or bad drivers or both, but limiting you video card's maximum power seems to help.

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I have ATI Radeon HD 4650 and that atiumdag didn't work for me at all AND get me blocky flames. Maybe because my video card is a lot older than everyone else's?


For those of you who used that atiumdag fix, did you try that ALONE or did you mix it with other solutions?

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This problem is starting to piss me off. Why does the game only crash in the open world? When I go to dungeons, no problem, the game crashes for 2-3 seconds, but outside it's permanent. I can hear the sound, but that's all about it. I'm playing the game on XP. When I use fast travel to some place, the game is most likely to crash few seconds after I walk.
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