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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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I did some research and now I have an idea why the crashes occur.


Its the PSU that is causing the problems, it basically overheats and thus shuts down the PC to prevent further damage. As you probably know , Skyrim puts a lot of strain on the GPU making it run constantly on full load, which requires a lot of power consumption thus straining the PSU.

In my case - my PSU fan was failing, it was spinning slow or spinning then stopping.It was also making a weird screechy noise , to which I didn't pay attention till the BSODs in Skyrim started. Then I checked the hardware and noticed the busted fan and then I realized that most probably this is the reason for the BSODs. I've been monitoring the GPU and CPU temps with different programs and they were in the norm. 47-50C for CPU and 70-77C for GPU.


Now I cannot confirm this is the reason for all of the users problems here, but I think its a lead into the right direction. I'm getting a new PSU in a few days, so then I will be able to give some feedback if the problems still occurs.


Pls note: thats why a lot of guys report that the BSODs are gone when under clocking the GPU - so that it doesn't consume as much power.


Keep in mind that this is just an theory of fine, I don't claim to be a tech expert or smth but after a lot digging around forums etc. I came to this conclusion. Below I'm gonna give my PC specs and also a comment made by a guy on the Steam forums that pointed me in this direction.


System Specs:

AMD Athlon Core Due 7750 Black Edition 2.7 Mghz

ATI HIS IceQ 5670 1 gb , Catalyst 11.11b


PSU - LC5550 550W

WIn 7


Comment from Steam forums


agree with the potential for Overheat &/or PSU problems. To further add to that, also it's been my experience that Ventilation Setups for Store-bought Computers tend to suck & not give a damn if the Ventilation Setup is too weak to serve a Computer during high end gaming like Skyrim. (At this point, they already have your money...) Even Store Computers advertised as 'Gaming Rigs' can be vulnerable to this. > Check ALL of your Airflow in & out of the Computer Case for anywhere Hot Air from the CPU Heatsink, CPU Fans, Graphics Card Fan, & Case Fans could be failing to get vented out of the case & getting bottled up in the Case instead, especially possibly on or near the CPU or Graphics Card.


Research your Graphics Card Specifications. One of them should be a Specification for how much +12V Amps your Graphics Card needs from the PSU that hooks up to the Graphics Card to run properly, then compare to the +12V Amps Specification on the PSU. If ya can't find the PSU's Specifations, then it's a no-name PSU, & those are 'Stock' kinda items that automatically suck. You will need a new PSU that rocks instead. Your PSU +12V Rail Amps needs to be equal or greater than the Graphics Card's needs or the Graphics Card will fail when put under heavy load. If ya end up having to get a new PSU, then make sure it has the specs to hook up to EVERYTHING that in the Case now, & anything ya plan to stick into the Case in the forseeable future.

Edited by TriviumHTF
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This f***ing game is making a bunch of other games crash the exact same way now. No bueno



Becareful because thats a sign you're vid card is about to burn out, i've had it happen while modding Mount & Blade with hi res textures.



All the CTD's latey remind me of Daggerfall if anyone remembers when that game came out it used to corrupt you're hard drive, seems like bethesda had to carry on the tradtion with Skyrim.

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This f***ing game is making a bunch of other games crash the exact same way now. No bueno



Becareful because thats a sign you're vid card is about to burn out, i've had it happen while modding Mount & Blade with hi res textures.



All the CTD's latey remind me of Daggerfall if anyone remembers when that game came out it used to corrupt you're hard drive, seems like bethesda had to carry on the tradtion with Skyrim.



lmao.. CTD again? Not a CTD thread! :D

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PEOPLE, LISTEN TO ME, underclocking DOES help. It fixed Skyrim AND AC for me



Guys. Upgrade (if you have) Realtek drivers. (Audio) fixed it for me.


Even though I've been through with trying to fix bethesda's B.S. for weeks now I can't keep myself away from this thread in hopes that I will one day be able to play again.


To the above: Read the damn thread. I know its 100+ pages but in the last 10 or 15 you can see that people have already tried all of the above to no avail. Those of you who *think* a sound update worked are fooling yourselves and I can almost guarantee that, like judgement day, you've only delayed the inevitable. Also try and remember that the same kind of pc crash can be triggered by different problems, example: Bone chill passage will freeze for 90% of people who enter it while full screened and yet this is not the same problem as the random full pc freezes/black screens. The random black screens and freezes are very likely something in the quest coding that, as far as I know, can only be fixed by bethesda.


So back to waiting I go. Just would like to see some more *serious* posts on here as opposed to people who have only read the last couple pages and want to share their "fixes" with the world when the same "fixes" are mentioned every 10 pages. If you know how to mess with code and get into the guts of the game, kudos and please post your progress, if you're just messing with .ini files and desperately trying .dll's please hold your post until you've succeeded in stabilizing skyrim for at least a day or two. ( - fyi I was able to play skyrim fine for the first week before experiencing this game ruining issue)

Edited by kwantome
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PEOPLE, LISTEN TO ME, underclocking DOES help. It fixed Skyrim AND AC for me



Guys. Upgrade (if you have) Realtek drivers. (Audio) fixed it for me.


Even though I've been through with trying to fix bethesda's B.S. for weeks now I can't keep myself away from this thread in hopes that I will one day be able to play again.


To the above: Read the damn thread. I know its 100+ pages but in the last 10 or 15 you can see that people have already tried all of the above to no avail. Those of you who *think* a sound update worked are fooling yourselves and I can almost guarantee that, like judgement day, you've only delayed the inevitable. Also try and remember that the same kind of pc crash can be triggered by different problems, example: Bone chill passage will freeze for 90% of people who enter it while full screened and yet this is not the same problem as the random full pc freezes/black screens. The random black screens and freezes are very likely something in the quest coding that, as far as I know, can only be fixed by bethesda.


So back to waiting I go. Just would like to see some more *serious* posts on here as opposed to people who have only read the last couple pages and want to share their "fixes" with the world when the same "fixes" are mentioned every 10 pages. If you know how to mess with code and get into the guts of the game, kudos and please post your progress, if you're just messing with .ini files and desperately trying .dll's please hold your post until you've succeeded in stabilizing skyrim for at least a day or two. ( - fyi I was able to play skyrim fine for the first week before experiencing this game ruining issue)


Been following this thread from it's birth, have read all pages as they appear.

Tried ALL suggested here.


Undorclocking finaly helped.

It's not a matter of fooling, it's sharing.


Wouldn't that be cool if for someone, your solution would have helped?

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^^ I agree it would be nice, but there are no fixes for this so far. Only things that help delay the freeze.

I'd just like to hear your specifics; how many hours has it now been stable for you? how hard have you been on your system in those hours? ( AA, ultra settings, etc.) Also if underclocking really helped you then maybe that isn't even the random black screen/freezing issue many people are having, it's probably an overheating issue.

Unfortunately underclocking did not help me.

Edited by kwantome
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