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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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^^ I agree it would be nice, but there are no fixes for this so far. Only things that help delay the freeze.

I'd just like to hear your specifics; how many hours has it now been stable for you? how hard have you been on your system in those hours? ( AA, ultra settings, etc.) Also if underclocking really helped you then maybe that isn't even the random black screen/freezing issue many people are having, it's probably an overheating issue.

Unfortunately underclocking did not help me.


I have i5, 8 Gb, GF 560 Ti.

Bought it a month ago, so it's barnd new.


It started with Skyrim, then I have this issue with Saint's Raw The Third, then with Trine.

Underclocked my card using MSI Afterburner, from 822 to 700 Mhz (shader clock went down as well, it's linked), didn't touch memore clock.

After that - no black screen for 4+ hours yesterday and same today.


I agree that it looks like GPU is getting to its limits, and when you don't allow it to simply by limiting its powers, issue stopps.

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I agree with the people stating that underclocking works - it worked for me - Altough I have the power, the RAM, the processor and the graphic card to run everything on High and Ultra (except e.g. the shadows drop my FPS in cities like Markarth so I've kept them on medium) - I've also lowered the graphics in general to medium. Since then and since the underclocking, I got not a single black screen, not a single CTD. It works. (it works for... hmm... 4-5 days I believe, regardless did I play for 30 minutes or 4 hours).




Altough, now that the game works and I menaged to dive properly into it - I have to state that the game is so freaking flawed with the great ocean of glitches and bugs... that it really saddens me. They had so much time on their hands, they teased us for so long, they even succeeded to end up in my dreams with Skyrim... and although the game indeed does has it's brilliant moments, overall score from me would be so much less of the average 90+% they've got from EVERYONE. :confused: Remember what the legendary unofficial patch did for Oblivion? With the news update about CK being strongly connected with Steam and MONEY, I fear for the future of TES series. And it saddens me, cos if the things get rolling as I fear they might, it is not a world that I want to be a part of anymore. And no, its not only a game, Morrowind-Oblivion was and still is a huge community regarding to the important fact that it is not an online/multiplayer game.


Sorry, I had a need to say it. And since the game now works for me, I wish you all the luck!

I'm out.


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lmao.. CTD again? Not a CTD thread! :D



Its all related black screen's and the CTD are related to the PC looking for memory, it's because you're all trying to read very high res texture's, lowing you're GPU will only put more stress back on to you're CPU which slows everything down and can cause black screens and CTD's so thats why i bring up CTD's.


Best to just wait for a fix from Bethesda.


This is mainly a windows7 32 issue because the LAA isn't working where the 64 already has LAA, also the fact windows7 64 will recoginze above 4 GB ram and means you can solve the issue with the 4GB mod which is not working for 32.

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I have 32 bit system and I can´t use better texture mods because it crashes.Playing the game without better texture mods works fine though.I´m hoping that bethesda fixes this since I can´t use 4GB patch.Before that stealth update from steam my game was working fine with those mods.I can run any game on ultra, my graphic card is a gtx 560 ti. Edited by scot
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I tried underclocking but it hasn't helped.

What I noticed, is that I can run the game on a more or less stable level, but as soon as I enter the inventory and scroll through the weapons it crashes (blackscreens, freezes, whatever...I have to reboot).

And this happens when I look at the elven arrows (playing with controller, as soon as I scroll over the elven arrows, at the moment where the 3d-model should appear, the screen turns grey, then black, then I have to reboot).

No new texture for elven arrows is used, so why is this always happening when the game is supposed to show the arrows? WTF?!


Is there a solution for this problem? (I'm too lazy to click through the 100 pages)


(Sorry for my bad english)

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PEOPLE, LISTEN TO ME, underclocking DOES help. It fixed Skyrim AND AC for me



Guys. Upgrade (if you have) Realtek drivers. (Audio) fixed it for me.


Even though I've been through with trying to fix bethesda's B.S. for weeks now I can't keep myself away from this thread in hopes that I will one day be able to play again.


To the above: Read the damn thread. I know its 100+ pages but in the last 10 or 15 you can see that people have already tried all of the above to no avail. Those of you who *think* a sound update worked are fooling yourselves and I can almost guarantee that, like judgement day, you've only delayed the inevitable. Also try and remember that the same kind of pc crash can be triggered by different problems, example: Bone chill passage will freeze for 90% of people who enter it while full screened and yet this is not the same problem as the random full pc freezes/black screens. The random black screens and freezes are very likely something in the quest coding that, as far as I know, can only be fixed by bethesda.


So back to waiting I go. Just would like to see some more *serious* posts on here as opposed to people who have only read the last couple pages and want to share their "fixes" with the world when the same "fixes" are mentioned every 10 pages. If you know how to mess with code and get into the guts of the game, kudos and please post your progress, if you're just messing with .ini files and desperately trying .dll's please hold your post until you've succeeded in stabilizing skyrim for at least a day or two. ( - fyi I was able to play skyrim fine for the first week before experiencing this game ruining issue)



I've been playing a game called APB: Reloaded, some members of the community have the exact same problem explained in this thread (Screen turns black, sound repeats, must hard-reboot computer), the solution to these problems for APB was to disable the REALTEK audio card but we all know that playing without sound is boring (And Skyrim doesn't allow you to play without sound-card) so I upgraded my REALTEK drivers from their page and I haven't crashed ever since. I wouldn't post a solution (Temporary, of course. The real solution must come from Bethesda) without at least playing the game for two days (Thursday, Friday and most saturday) without a crash on both games. Haven't crashed yet.

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PEOPLE, LISTEN TO ME, underclocking DOES help. It fixed Skyrim AND AC for me



Guys. Upgrade (if you have) Realtek drivers. (Audio) fixed it for me.


Even though I've been through with trying to fix bethesda's B.S. for weeks now I can't keep myself away from this thread in hopes that I will one day be able to play again.


To the above: Read the damn thread. I know its 100+ pages but in the last 10 or 15 you can see that people have already tried all of the above to no avail. Those of you who *think* a sound update worked are fooling yourselves and I can almost guarantee that, like judgement day, you've only delayed the inevitable. Also try and remember that the same kind of pc crash can be triggered by different problems, example: Bone chill passage will freeze for 90% of people who enter it while full screened and yet this is not the same problem as the random full pc freezes/black screens. The random black screens and freezes are very likely something in the quest coding that, as far as I know, can only be fixed by bethesda.


So back to waiting I go. Just would like to see some more *serious* posts on here as opposed to people who have only read the last couple pages and want to share their "fixes" with the world when the same "fixes" are mentioned every 10 pages. If you know how to mess with code and get into the guts of the game, kudos and please post your progress, if you're just messing with .ini files and desperately trying .dll's please hold your post until you've succeeded in stabilizing skyrim for at least a day or two. ( - fyi I was able to play skyrim fine for the first week before experiencing this game ruining issue)



I've been playing a game called APB: Reloaded, some members of the community have the exact same problem explained in this thread (Screen turns black, sound repeats, must hard-reboot computer), the solution to these problems for APB was to disable the REALTEK audio card but we all know that playing without sound is boring (And Skyrim doesn't allow you to play without sound-card) so I upgraded my REALTEK drivers from their page and I haven't crashed ever since. I wouldn't post a solution (Temporary, of course. The real solution must come from Bethesda) without at least playing the game for two days (Thursday, Friday and most saturday) without a crash on both games. Haven't crashed yet.


Would you mind posting the link for the RealTek drivers? I was tinkering with anything REALTEK and i know that it DOES cause problems with a lot of games. Seriously annoying. But if you could post a link of where and what drivers you got, that would be great.

Edited by Themastaofmastaz
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Ok found this thread when it was just a lil baby read and tried all the fixes up until about pg 70 or so and through tinkering and playing with catalyst and such found my fix. b4 i did this i was anywhere btwn 5 min and 15 min hardcrash especially in places like whiterun and the surrounding areas. then i attempted the downclock method ran the game on low turning up just the textures to high and actor fade to 5 no AA no ansiotropic and no water reflections that started squeezing roughly 2 hrs out of the game if i stayed away from whiterun and surrounding plains b4 blacksceen. After playing roughly 20 hrs like this i decided to give the enbseries antifreeze patch a try and what do u know im 110 hrs deep and the least of my worries is a hard crash with 1 or 2 hard crashes due to me turning up clocks to stock levels and trying to run game how i should be able to theoretically. This is my system:


HIS Radeon 6870

AMD phenom 2 x6 1100t

8gb ram

800 watt psu


My card is downclocked to min levels using catalyst so 775 gpu clock 800 mem clock with the fan manually set to run at 95% at all times. DO NOT RUN AFTERBURNER OR TRIXX OR ANYTHING ELSE just use CCC.

These are my settings for the enbseries patch:











































this will work for some of us but not all and i understand that this may have been posted but i couldnt find it specifically so i registered and posted it i hope this wrks for u guys like it worked for me Nvidia guys try the patch and downclock to the guy who made the patch optimizes his stuff to work wit nvidia so use watever clock tool u get from them NOT AFTERBURNER etc but the ccc eqivalent and play some skyrim

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