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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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I've been getting fewer crashes now through no input of my own. It seems to be mostly when entering or exiting the map, or checking the quest log, when the black screen occurs, but it's also happened at random in many other places.


Totally a stab in the dark, but I'm wondering if it may be the game's UI system that's triggering these crashes. I think of this because:



I'm not even sure if Skyrim actually runs its own Flash player under the hood at runtime, or whether the Gamebryo Creation engine just interprets .swf files the way it needs to without any actual Adobe Flash binaries, but anyway - just my hypothesis.

Edited by IanHead
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well until my mobo comes in, I can't check through steam, but GamePro.com says the same thing.


The article on gamepro

I checked the changelog, looks oddly identicle (not sure if I spelled that right) to the Day 1 patch. I'll check it out more later. I don't like the way it simply says "fixed stability and performance changes", as well as the fact that it removes the Large Address Aware mod.


I'll check out more later.


Meanwhile, can anyone confirm this is true and if this solved the issue?

Edited by BarderothReturns
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Played 10 hours, mostly of it discovering new locations and didn't get black screen crash yet. Also I might add that I had this very same problem with World of Warcraft and Dragon Nest mmorpgs. Anyway, I read some guys post on SC2 forums that updating chipset drivers helped him solve this problem. Never really bothered to update them as I read it was kind of dangerous (?) and s***. Well, I took a risk and so far I didn't crash once. Have a read if and before you decide to do it:




Just wanted to report that I played black screen crash free for 4 days until today, black screen strikes again. Fml.

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Good news, I think they are addressing this issue in the patch. After going back and forth with Bethesda support on email for over a week, here's the last one they sent me.


Thanks for contacting us. We are aiming to get the first patch out by the end of the week after Thanksgiving. That's our current ETA. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you for your patience.

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Good news, I think they are addressing this issue in the patch. After going back and forth with Bethesda support on email for over a week, here's the last one they sent me.


Thanks for contacting us. We are aiming to get the first patch out by the end of the week after Thanksgiving. That's our current ETA. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you for your patience.



Yes... we are all aware of this...

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