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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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so it wasnt happening before, but the freezing BS has spread to my other games. These guys better lawyer up


have you system restored to before you installed the game and tried other games again ?

for one it would prove whatevers been done to crash all games was skyrims doing.


starting to see an awful lot of dead hardware that some think is due to the game.


still no news or info on this from bethesda,so i guess they are still following the "make money and run" stunt by leaving it to the modders to fix,and the later rehash the modders work and call it a bethesda fix.

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I erased the





lines. Using this mod instead Bloody screen removal


If I add these lines to my configuration, my black screen crash turns into an instant CTD when accessing the map.

Using instead the "Bloody screen removal" mod and keeping the bBloodSplatterEnabled on default, can't stop the game from crashing with black screen.


I really don't have any clues.

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Erasing the .ni files and letting the game regenerate them didn't do anything for me.


For those of you who made it work with that ATI file replacement, did you also use the freezing fix that's around?

I had followed tweakguides.com guide, and after a lot of testing (adding of lines to the new clean skyrim.ini) I found out that this line was the reason for the crash:





So please what have you done with these line? Do I have to erase them from my ini file?



I used some tweaks from the tweakguides article too. I had crashes when I used bBloodSplatterEnabled=0 , but I also used several others. I was able to get the game to not crash anymore.

I just switched from an NVIDIA card to a Radeon HD 6850, but I don't think now that my crashing had much to do with an AMD/ATI driver or hardware problem.


I posted here about it on the bethesda forums : SkyrimPrefs.ini tweaks and crashing - post #2

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This game doesn't deserve the ratings. Gameplay is nice, design is even great but no voice for the own hero, animations are poor, textures ugly as hell and from the technical point of view it's a total desaster. How is it possible to release a game in such a state? This game needed month but it seems it just had to come out this year, so the pockets can be filled with the money from the christmas sales.


Skyrim could be unbelievable great but it's far from it, since it was released to early.

Every minute a crash to desktop is inexcusable.

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I erased the





lines. Using this mod instead Bloody screen removal


If I add these lines to my configuration, my black screen crash turns into an instant CTD when accessing the map.

Using instead the "Bloody screen removal" mod and keeping the bBloodSplatterEnabled on default, can't stop the game from crashing with black screen.


I really don't have any clues.


Just use the bloody screen removal, and delete the bBloodSplatterEnabled setting. This fixed the instant crash to desktop,

and I got rid of the screen blood

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How is it possible to release a game in such a state? This game needed month but it seems it just had to come out this year, so the pockets can be filled with the money from the christmas sales.


Skyrim could be unbelievable great but it's far from it, since it was released to early.

Every minute a crash to desktop is inexcusable.


Yep but since 11/11/2011 i think they wanted it out then for the money and people dieing for the game to come out. guess thats what we get for having it happen. should be a learning experience. Could have been a lot better if they waited till at least begging of 2012/CS would be done too.

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I had this similar problem with BF3 and I'm thinking it might be the same problem but it had to do with sound.

I disabled the integrated audio from the BIOS and problem solved. What I did after that was use my

turtle beach headset for the sound since turtle beach has its own drivers and that worked too and I never got a

black screen again.


I'm not sure if this solution was mentioned before but I would try the solutions above. Might as well cross it off

your list if it doesn't work.

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Well I tried the atiumdag.dll solution posted earlier in this thread. So far it actually seems like it may have worked. Currently on hour 7 without a crash which is a new record for me, although the crashes are so random it'll be impossible to tell for sure until a few days have gone by without one. I'll keep this post updated and let people know if it crashes again.


Update: 12 straight hours of gameplay - no crashes yet. I'll keep updating.

Edited by Drakhaoul
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This game doesn't deserve the ratings. Gameplay is nice, design is even great but no voice for the own hero, animations are poor, textures ugly as hell and from the technical point of view it's a total desaster. How is it possible to release a game in such a state? This game needed month but it seems it just had to come out this year, so the pockets can be filled with the money from the christmas sales.


Skyrim could be unbelievable great but it's far from it, since it was released to early.

Every minute a crash to desktop is inexcusable.

Its not that it was released early. There are very few problems with the xbox and ps3 versions. Thing is that most PC games require beta testing (doesn't need to be like MMOs or diablo3, they could release beta tests to a small number of people). Bethseda doesn't do beta testing, I mean, sure they do their own internal beta testing, but that doesn't fix all the issues. The number of systems they test Skyrim on are infinitesimal compared to the number of system configurations that were tested at launch. At release skyrim PC version was plagued with crash to desktop and system crashes. This doesn't appear to be happening to most of the people, but its happening to us. If Bethseda had a beta test for skyrim, 99% of these issues wouldn't be happening.

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