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The reflection doasn't show on plate armor's helmet, gauntlet, boots, i give up now it's been 3 days i think hardly tryin to understand and tryin several things.


Anyway i have a question, that surely some of you are gonna find stupid, but i'm pretty noob at texturing, and i was wandering, why is there always two clone nif for a model like "nordcuirassm_0.nif" and "nordcuirassm_1.nif" ???





I deleted the platearmor meshes from data folder and surprise it works fine now, but i still dont know why, it seems like some kind of invalidation issue but it's wired cause textures are working fine.

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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Once things are properly rolling in terms of properly updated tools, I'll be working on some new wiki articles.

For now, I'm looking to start collecting info on 'gotchas' when working with nif and dds for a troubleshooting section. I've been trying to track peoples' issues on the various forums, but I didn't have the foresight to keep notes. Some of this info will also be useful for updating the tools for export processes.


Can any of you help me out? I'm not looking for full-on tutorials here, just little things that may have hitched you up when tinkering. Like finding that a *ShaderProperty must be listed before an AlphaProperty, else crash. Or that full-scene artifacts can happen if an animated texture effect has the wrong flags applied in an EffectShaderProperty.


Information regarding the current state of workarounds is also beneficial for now too!

While I'm at it, what tutorials do y'all want to see?

Edited by throttlekitty
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I think a LOT of the gotchas are hashed around in the weapon vid tutorial thread and the 3ds max skinned meshes into game thread. the questions and trouble shooting can be a basis for notes and potential gotchas. Like mixing up the dismember partition numbers, or making sure mesh objects when copied over don't inherit a bones string name, or the whole when to use and what shader needs vertex color to work right.
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I was messing around with landscape textures, Many of the diffuse maps have what looks like height map of sorts in their alpha channel. I thought it's not parallax.. Is it a spec map or occlusion map? turns out they don't do squat on my system.


I tried black, white, black&white splotches, and no alpha, they all looked the same to me.



That is likely the snowmap blend mask or a detail map for shrubs/grasses/plants.

re snow:

afaik Snow on objects in Skyrim is a procedural shader that blends a tiling texture (snow) based on A) the polygons normal + the normal map (and/or Parallax (Occlusion) map). For objects i believe it is not masked in any way, merely controlled by normals. (ie. so snow always 'faces upwards', no matter what angle the meshes are rotated on, the snow is not 'baked in' it is calculated and added afterwards (Speculating here based on how other engines do it)


For large stretches of terrain, grass and shrubs can be a laborious chore to place, so most modern terrain editing tools in various engines employ a 'Detail map' which masks off areas where predetermined meshes are automatically placed.

The detail mesh distribution depends on a few additional variables such as density, rotation, and mesh name.


Again, speculating here, but thats how almost everyone else does it.

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I was messing around with landscape textures, Many of the diffuse maps have what looks like height map of sorts in their alpha channel. I thought it's not parallax.. Is it a spec map or occlusion map? turns out they don't do squat on my system.


I tried black, white, black&white splotches, and no alpha, they all looked the same to me.



That is likely the snowmap blend mask or a detail map for shrubs/grasses/plants.

re snow:

afaik Snow on objects in Skyrim is a procedural shader that blends a tiling texture (snow) based on A) the polygons normal + the normal map (and/or Parallax (Occlusion) map). For objects i believe it is not masked in any way, merely controlled by normals. (ie. so snow always 'faces upwards', no matter what angle the meshes are rotated on, the snow is not 'baked in' it is calculated and added afterwards (Speculating here based on how other engines do it)


For large stretches of terrain, grass and shrubs can be a laborious chore to place, so most modern terrain editing tools in various engines employ a 'Detail map' which masks off areas where predetermined meshes are automatically placed.

The detail mesh distribution depends on a few additional variables such as density, rotation, and mesh name.


Again, speculating here, but thats how almost everyone else does it.

It's a blend map.

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Hello! I badly know English language I translate the text through the translator online. I have noticed that there are no dynamic shades and light in buildings and caves. Light falls directly from walls instead of from windows or candles and there are no dynamic shades. It is very appreciable in Proudspire Manor, there is no live picture.
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Hello! I badly know English language I translate the text through the translator online. I have noticed that there are no dynamic shades and light in buildings and caves. Light falls directly from walls instead of from windows or candles and there are no dynamic shades. It is very appreciable in Proudspire Manor, there is no live picture.


Realtime shadowing lights are *extremely* taxing on systems, so they appear to be limiting them to one in each major area of a cell, the idea being (i would assume) that players never be standing in more than one at a time for performance reasons.

so we can have a pretty slideshow or an ugly smooth experience, or something in the middle, which im sure they tried to target :)

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