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Naming and shaming!


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Wow, what a massive f*#@in' c*%!...


Normally I'd brush this off with a "hope he gets permaban't", but since he's apparently planning on uploading an old, (actually) illegal-to-redistribute version of a mod I'm involved with developing... Thinking once my current Bugthesda forum ban ends I'll rip this little f*#@er a new arsehole or five. He wants to be a pirate? Fine - then I'm the f*#@in' US Navy, and he's the dumbass that opened fire on a destroyer.

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Wow, what a massive f***in' c***...


Normally I'd brush this off with a "hope he gets permaban't", but since he's apparently planning on uploading an old, (actually) illegal-to-redistribute version of a mod I'm involved with developing... Thinking once my current Bugthesda forum ban ends I'll rip this little f***er a new arsehole or five. He wants to be a pirate? Fine - then I'm the f***in' US Navy, and he's the dumbass that opened fire on a destroyer.

Does that make me a Marvel Helicarrier?

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Nah, nah. From what I've seen you're closer to the old Bradley-Hercules kill sat from Fallout 3 (y'know, the one that took out Liberty Prime and, canonically, the Enclave's facilities at Adams AFB).


Seriously though - f*#@ thieves, f*#@ Bethesda's handling of the situation, and f*#@ the utter lack of moderation where it's needed. Those dumbasses have time to ban me for telling someone to RTFM (no, seriously, that's what this latest one is for - a f*#@ing week for telling someone to read the Dev Notes before flying off on a drunken rant), but not to remove pirated/copyright-violating mods from their own f*#@ing website.

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Every time I see Beth users say "not all console players are like this", I see another post where stolen mods/assets are being flagrantly distributed, and the massive support for such actions.

Dear Beth net users, THIS is the reason that mod authors won't want to help you, not only the blatant theft, but the voices chiming in that it's "fine" to do so.

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Nah, nah. From what I've seen you're closer to the old Bradley-Hercules kill sat from Fallout 3 (y'know, the one that took out Liberty Prime and, canonically, the Enclave's facilities at Adams AFB).


Seriously though - f*** thieves, f*** Bethesda's handling of the situation, and f*** the utter lack of moderation where it's needed. Those dumbasses have time to ban me for telling someone to RTFM (no, seriously, that's what this latest one is for - a f***ing week for telling someone to read the Dev Notes before flying off on a drunken rant), but not to remove pirated/copyright-violating mods from their own f***ing website.

Yep, I'm openly flame baiting the moderators there now, they are volunteers like here, and HAI Dante!


I think it's disgusting they ban people for 'naming and shaming' if you call out a pirate who blatantly mocks the rules and mod authors etc, and yet those people have their mod up for SIX f*#@ING DAYS, with a blatant message that it was stolen on it.

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There's a mod that has some stuff ripped from a Blizzard game (y'know, one of the big companies that could probably outright destroy Beth in court), and its been up for... Yep, gonna be six days in a few hours yet. Dunno if that's the one you're referring to or not, but it's still pretty f*#@in' pathetic.

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