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Skyrim Fix random crash to desktop no error


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I seem to have the same problem with crashing as well. What I can't explain why the game pauses or get choppy with extreme fps drops during gameplay. I experience fps drops at least once every 2-10 minutes without warning. The game does this several times but does not crash, unless I have played more than 1 hour. I want to get to the bottom of it but, I have no lead.

My rig...

Intel Core 2 Quad @ 3.1GHz on Corsair H60 Cooler

8GB 1333MHz DDR3

2x 1TB WD Caviar Greens In Raid 0

3GB Nvidia Gtx 660 Ti GC Edition

850 watt 80+ Bronze psu

Edited by Arben
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@ Arben, here are a few more things to try:


1. Make sure you have disabled all programs and services that might take up memory...browser, scans, autoupdate, cloud sync--I have to disable my external HD because it wants to keep waving to my main system every few minutes.

2. Try an fps limiter. Seems like your system is pretty nice (nicer than mine!) but limiting to 60 fps can provide for smoother gameplay and lessen bottlenecking.

3. When you last updated your drivers, did you do a complete clean install? There have been some major problems with updating NVidia drivers using the Windows update or Steam Update. The result is that unless you did a clean update your could have corrupted driver files, leftover files from older versions, etc. That can cause huge issues that affect your performance and even the life of your driver due to unregulated/incorrectly measured temperatures, clocks, etc. Your description of choppy play, etc, might be a problem with your clocks or temperature (or power supply) being affected by this file update problem. Also, It seems to me that I might have read something in the latest driver install info that the new drivers specifically fix some problems with the 600 series drivers, so if you haven't updated to the 306 drivers, I'd suggest you take a look at them.

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I got a similar problem. My Skyrim was working perfectly till about 2 weeks ago. Loaded patches, then my shadows started freaking out, re-installed game from scratch, after then when ever i enter riverwood just past the trader house it ctd's reloaded about 10 times now, with and with-out mods, with and with-out patches nothing works. Keeps Crashing. Did manage to make my way to whiterun, but not through riverwood, had to take a long way round, circled back to riverwood after discovering white run only to crash just after passing the last farm back to riverwood. Any suggestions?
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Check into any mods you have that alter riverwood or the immediate area. Items etc. Only going from personal experience here, & it's sorta a long shot, but it won't hurt to check. Also, does it happen on a new game?
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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, this is my first post.


I am also having this problem on my laptop as I have only just installed Skyrim and the game keeps randomely crashing. I'm still on the bit where you have to escape Helgen.

I have tried turning the shadow detail to low but it still didnt work.Thats the only thing I have done to try to fix this problem.


I went to canyourunit.com to see if my laptop can run Skyrim and it says it meets the recommended requirements and I should have no problem running it. I play the game on High settings.


If anyone wants to see my laptop specs here they are:


Processor: Intel Core i3 (2.30GHz)


Amount of Cores: 2


Ram: 4.00gb


System Type: 64-bit


Size of Hard disk: 284gb (175gb free)


Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7670M


Dedicated graphics memory: 1024 mb


If anyone can help me, please do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if it's too late to reply on this, but I had the same issue, random crashes with no explanation or error message

so I browsed & in just about 20 min I found this


And the particular post, that FIXED it is


How do I fix the crash to desktop?

Note: Probably fixed in 1.2 future update: 1.2 update Release Notes


Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Sound

In the Playback tab, right click on Speakers (or whatever has a green tick next to it), then click Properties

In the advanced tab on this new window, select 24 bit, 44100Hz (Studio Quality) in the drop down menu


That did the trick for me, I hope I helped someone else^^

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having this same issue, and I cannot change the audio setting since Bose Companion 5 won't let me change the sample rate. I tried disable it and use my Logitech headset instead. That lets me change the audio sample, but I cannot find 24bit, 44100Hz (Studio Quality). I can only find up to 16 bit. So, that wont work for me.


I also tried cleaning the save game, and lowering the shadow to LOW, to no avail. Could there be something else I'm missing? I'm having random CTD ALWAYS when roaming through the land. Especially near Riverwood, Embershard Mine, and Helgen (around the mage/warrior/thief stone). It does get very frustrating...

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  • 3 weeks later...
If you have over 100+ mods installed some of them can conflict. Though not as soon as you load up the game it can happen later during the game and will crash to desktop with no error. Figure out witch mod that is and disable it.
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