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Those Designs I hate in Skyrim


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0. Same key to take and move item. I died twice only because accidentally take a bucket or bloom. FML (can mod)

1. Only price is shown when you trade, not price/value like before. (can mod)

2. Can't sort item (maybe can mod)

3. A lot fake light in dungeon, you may noticed that sometimes there's no shadow down your feet, that's it. (can mod: real light)

4. Character creation become option choice instead of slide drag (can NOT mod)

5. Stone and snow ground looks like plastic, especially the reflection (can NOT mod, this is existed from oblivion, to FNV, to Skyrim)

6. NPCs will tear you apart if you take his/her bloom (can mod)

7. No shadow in first person view (maybe can not mod, maybe yes)

8. No AO, SSAO nor HBAO. (very hard to mod)

9. Lack environment interact, for example, your epic fireball can not even ignite a pile of wheat or melt the snow on the ground (hard to mod, due to massive works to do)

10. No effects icon. I can no even know when my buffs will end (can mod)

11. Can't make note on the map (can mod)

12. Can't directly take a book (can mod)

13. If you have more than one weapon, favorite it then bind a shortcut. After you unequip it, the shortcut disappeared...(should fix)

14. Can not choose the number when make potion/armor/weapon (can mod)

15. No Buy Back!!!! (can mod)

16. To be continue...

Edited by byzod
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14. Character Race Has Little Affect on Random NPC interaction (First play through, might just be me. I'm just annoyed by random Dunmer NPCs talking to my character like it's NOT a Dunmer)


Hard to fix. Bethesda can not make 7 copies of dialogue for every race... :blush:

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17. No jump attack, and slow movement speed even at higher levels. What fun is action when you have lead in your feet and can't move fast enough to avoid a dragon breathing on you?


18. Barrows... The new Oblivion gates. Yes, there are some neat puzzles and each one is a little different, particularly bosses, but WAY WAY too many battles with the same crap again and again and again. And apparently you need to go through just about all of them to make that dragon killing have any real use.


19. Always having to swap gear and favorite just about every spell.


20. Ugly clothes. Just about everything, even fine stuff is stained, ripped, or just silly looking.


20. No spell making/improving.

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