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Favorite Skyrim Moment As Of Now...


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My favourite moment so far was today, when I was exploring some dungeon N-W of Whiterun I think. I ventured inside thinking I'm the best archer out there, only to find myself trapped in some cage by an orc wizard. The funny part was that I was so happy that I found a new wall(the ones that teach you power words) and as I was running towards it, listening to that music that starts right before you learn the word, I fell through a deep tunel into his cage. He started laughing and saying he can't believe how many fools he captured thanks to that simple trap. He then said he had to find to find something and while he was looking for it, I picket that expert level lock and cut his throat from behind(I even got the animation, yay!!). I THANK Bethesda for those great moments. I think that if someone would have recorded that moment when I fell, I would have been a youtube celebrity until now. Great game...
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Doing an epic basejump using whirlwind sprint from Sky Haven Temple into the river below only to find a rabbit running only to find a little bunny rabbit running along the bottom of the river. Or perhaps randomly exploring a cave to find someone enchanting frost spiders before slitting his throat and turning round the corner to see two massive frost spiders that took me down in about 20 seconds.
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My second dragon I killed. I was simply exploring some wilderness, peacefully picking some flowers, enjoying scenery, discovering little farms and settlements, you know... The music was very soothing. Sun was shining... After a few minutes it got darker and darker, it began to rain and eventually thunder - I just adore this type of weather in Skyrim, it's so ambient, it makes me just stand still in game and observe. I decided to walk further and then, from a distance, this shreek, this muffled roar I'd call it. I ran towards it and saw nothing at first, then the roaring stopped. Suddenly, BANG, dragon, right in front of me, just came down with a huge smack and started breathing fire. The bombastic music started to kick in, altogether with the thunder and lightning... Aww man, chills I had! Just, pure awesomeness. And all of that, straight out of nowhere.


Let's see... I'll just mark this as a spoiler, just in case some poor soul hasn't read about this concept in Skyrim yet :

Seeing as I sometimes am a sucker for romantic shizzle : getting married to Vilkas! Normally I don't buy that kind of stuff but I always liked him, he's handsome and I like the whole Companions idea, the story lines and their history. So it's fitting for my character. It's funny how he goes from RAWRAWRWR FEAR ME I HAZ A HUGE BLADE to those sweet words behind my cooking pot. Bless him! <3 Husband and wife dragon slaying team ftw, as he makes an excellent companion for me. My boyfriend has asked me an hour ago who was saying "Do you need anything my love?" all the time, lol.



The first time I actually did the full Unrelenting Force shout. On a bear. Near a cliff. FUS! RO! DAH! *four paws randomly making spastic movements midair* Laters!


Crafting my glass armor. Lots of people say it looks like crap but I love it.


And oh so many other encounters really, may it be just a little scenery or the music. It's all so random. Those examples are the ones that I could think of this moment really. :)

Edited by Roxian
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I was following some switch backs up towards some undiscovered ruins. After cresting the ridge a Dragon comes out of nowhere and starts blasting these skeletons guarding the ruins. It then flies down this narrow side canyon, so i go chasing after it and run smack dab into 6-7 skeletons who all draw weapons and come charging. I smash my way through the last of the skeletons just in time for the dragon to land right in front of me and blasts me ice. Being nord, I shrug that right off, and bring the lizard down. It was a pretty awesome experience.


Also, coming out of the inn at riverwood and having a dragon already perched on the inn of the roof!


Awesome battle ensued.


Bethesda really nailed the dragon encounters in this game, and it shows by how many peoples favorite moments have included them.

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My boyfriend has asked me an hour ago who was saying "Do you need anything my love?" all the time, lol.


That's just epic! It might not be IN Skyrim, but it's certainly BECOUSE OF Skyrim. Haha, good stuff!:thumbsup:

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Best moment was probably when I was randomly just hunting for bandits or forsworn. Just heading over a hill to go near the Blades hideout, all I hear is a faint sound, nothing much just a whisper almost. Im like this must be thunder in the distance or rain is coming or something. So i continue riding on this cliff only too find the noise stopped so I just keep going. Mind you I never heard a dragon in the distance before so I was completely clueless and low level and was not expecting anything only to kill some bandits and loot. Then It started to get darker stuff as im continuing on. Then all I hear is this loud as f*** noise then I see the red dot on my map. It gets louder, I dismount, the dragon just swoops completely over my head and Im like awww shieeeeet, got shivers, pulled out my blade and got ready to get some.
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My epic battle against 2 elder dragons and 1 dragon priest at once. I guess the location for that is fixed, but I won't spoil it here.

Had to reload about 5 times because one of the dragons always got his eating animation in while I was at 70% hp.

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I went to Shimmermist cave waaaaay to early at level 9 or so. It was so beutaful and scary and then got worse the deeper I went. I used every resourse I had and lost my housecarl there too. In the end I got out with stealth and luck only. Definatly a tough place.
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