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New lands mod trailer - Beyond the Borders


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I can only wonder what great things would be accomplished if DDprod put that energy towards something useful instead of all this constant negativity which is getting reeeaaally boring. We get it, DD, you are pissed off, but seriously, it's getting old, mate.

You think I stopped modding? And I prefer to put my a-hole energy into modding but I prefer my work to not be stolen and the platform I use to not be 4chan

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I can only wonder what great things would be accomplished if DDprod put that energy towards something useful instead of all this constant negativity which is getting reeeaaally boring. We get it, DD, you are pissed off, but seriously, it's getting old, mate.

You think I stopped modding? And I prefer to put my a-hole energy into modding but I prefer my work to not be stolen and the platform I use to not be 4chan



I don't know what 4chan is. It sounds like something my students in Shanghai would have used instead of Facebook. I also don't follow your modding escapades, so whether or not you are prolific these days isn't my concern. Your excessive vitriol was my point, and that you spread it everywhere, instead of doing other (happier) things with your time, was what I was getting at. :)

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if you don't know what 4chan is you will probably not appreciate the contempt DD has for the current situation
I'd suggest making sure you don't go there because you'll be subjected to all manner of illegal and immoral behaviour and material, coupled with juvenile stupidity
I used to love the place for all of the above but the quality of the juvenile stupidity went way down years ago even though /b/ was never good :sad: or maybe I grew up, not sure still

jesus what was I here for again? THE MOD. THE THINGY. IT'S NICE. real nice.
also I wouldn't say DD has excessive vitriol, I haven't noticed any vitriol from him yet at all

ANYWAYS. the new areas, nice :D lots of work o_O it's good
I'm sure that when you release it and it gets some more actual attention in general you'll get more luck with custom textures requests etc :tongue: it seems to be a way of things, "show us that you have something to work with and we'll work on it" etc, and by show us I mean the full thing, people usually get inspired when they can play with it ingame after all
in the meantime though, nice teaser!

Edited by tartarsauce2
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I'm making a beyond borders mod too, only it looks WAYYYYY better than this nonsense.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I hope you actually are working on something but for right now all I see is a preview for thelonewarriors land.


Lots of mods start out with grand intentions only to end up as little more than vaporware. I hope both projects are huge successes but right now this mod looks like something that is actual. This mod also looks stunning from the preview and will be a great addition to the FO4 universe. Good luck with this thelonewarrior!

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