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A bug in an Esbern quest?


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Guys have any of you finished the quest searching the old blade Esbern in the Ratway?

I found him, persuaded to open the door , he comes to open it but the door do not open and he just stand behind it. And i can't talk to him . I even disabled the door through the console command, but when I'm trying to speak to him nothing happens. He just stands there like an idiot. Is this a bug? Did any one have the same problem ? how did you overcome it?

Edited by Hayk94
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I had the same problem and also created a thread here about it.

Did a websearch and learned that Esbern is mighty bugged. I solved the bug by using the console to go right through the door and then spammed him with talk requests by pressing E a lot. The problems I have with him are these: He don't talk and subtitles flash by so fast they're impossible to read. He is a real pain when getting out of there because he run like a maniac and can be hard to follow. In the following quests with him I have to press E on him a lot to advance them. I wish you luck. ;)

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yea thank you,, I managed it..he is a real pain in the ass. I guess he is the most hated NPC ..



Glad I could help. Yes in his unforgivable bugged state he's probably the most hated NPC in the whole of Skyrim. Bethesda have to release a patch soon because it will be very irritating to go through his quests again with another character.

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Pretty sure there's a better way to fix this bug- on my mobile now so can't really find but if you do a search you should find the thread- from memory it just involves unpacking the compressed audio files from the game folder. This way I'm assuming.you.can actually hear all the speech etc as intended.
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If anyone else gets that problem you can try to type the follwoing into the console (use '~' to open it by default) : setStage MQ203 20

This command will end the quest that follows his rescue, as all of the quests related to him are bugged . For those who want to know what they're missing:



Our bugged guy opens the door and you start a new quest - to escort him back to riverwood.

You also figure out that the big black dragon is Alduin - the first dragon ever existed, and that at a time he was defeated with a special shout. Now, you're on a quest to learn that shout.


I guess its not that accurate description, but thats the best I can say.

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  • 3 months later...
Right, we are now on patch # 6 and Esbern still can't talk. The Nightcaller temple hasn't been fixed either. It's 5 months now so I doubt Bethesda will ever fix these bugs.
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hi, you should have file 'Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa' in folder '\skyrim\data'; but, is 'Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa' listed in your 'skyrim.ini' ?:


sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa ?


if necessary, search the net for a small 11mb 'Skyrim Esbern Voice Fix.rar' fix archive.

(may have been previously posted on the nexus but probably removed for copyright reasons).


you really need Esbern's sound files fixed to proceed, game timing glitches if his voice doesn't activate properly.


discussion on uesp wiki, someone suggested:

'After you talk to him, type setstage MQ202 160 and setstage MQ202 170, it'll open the door and make him talkative again..'



i had the Esbern voice fix in place before starting this quest and needed to wait about 20 seconds for Esbern to finish unlocking the stupid door lol.

some people needed to leave that section of the ratway and come back before esbern could unlock all the locks.

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Thanks for the tip but after checking out 20 pages on Google packed with either dead or fake links and trojans on YouTube I gave up attempting to llok for this rar archive. Also, it's not just in the rat warren that he doesn't speak, it's everywhere (Riverwood, Sky Haven Temple, etc.).


I had the problem of him not opening the door but found that after killing all Thalmor soldiers and necromancers the door was finally open. From that point onwards he has never had any voice. For the moment I have left him and Delphine in the Sky Haven Temple while I deal with capturing Alduin in Dragonreach.

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Thanks for the tip but after checking out 20 pages on Google packed with either dead or fake links and trojans on YouTube I gave up attempting to llok for this rar archive. Also, it's not just in the rat warren that he doesn't speak, it's everywhere (Riverwood, Sky Haven Temple, etc.).


I had the problem of him not opening the door but found that after killing all Thalmor soldiers and necromancers the door was finally open. From that point onwards he has never had any voice. For the moment I have left him and Delphine in the Sky Haven Temple while I deal with capturing Alduin in Dragonreach.


hi, maybe get a free copy of BSAopt or FO3 archive utility, open your 'Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa' archive and extract the 438 files (12.3mb).

all these loose files need to go into this folder structure (create if necessary): ' \skyrim\data\sound\voice\skyrim.esm\maleuniqueesbern '.

'Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa' should be located in the data folder with all the other BSA archives as a standard Skyrim archive.

i suspect the game is not finding archive 'Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa' per skyrim.ini [Archive] entry; so, the game will default to the loose files instead.


BSAopt by Ethatron: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=247

FO3 Archive Utility by ScripterRon: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=34

BSA Browser by Fawzib Rojas: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1395

Edited by xlcr
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