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Footprints (Really, Bethesda?)


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Saw there was no request about this here yet.


In a game world featuring snow so prominently, it came as a suprise to me that there's no footprints left by characters or beasts trudging through it.


I realise it's probably just another shortcoming that can be attributed to Bethesda's stubborn insistance to continue using the aged remnants of their beloved Oblivion engine, but in 2011 for a game to lack a graphical detail so simple that even PS1 games were doing it back in the 90s is - I feel - utterly lazy.


I hope someone will be able to figure out how to correct this mistake. :) Even though, we really shouldn't be having to fix such basic oversights.

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Hey, they can't be perfect you know! I'm sure that the developers have been really busy. Can't remember the right saying, but it comes down to this: giving critisism at the end is way easier than doing so when it is still happening. (something with oversight maybe? the saying I mean? oh well)



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Can't remember the right saying, but it comes down to this: giving critisism at the end is way easier than doing so when it is still happening.

Well, that could be the case if Moogiefluff was part of the development team, but s/he is not so I don't think your saying is actually applicable, even if I understand your point. :tongue:


For me... yes, it's plain laziness. But not from the devs but instead of their "overlords", which I bet were advised by the former of this shortcoming and chose to ignore it so the game could start making money at 11/11/11 instead of 11/18/11, a date which is much less "cool" to the media.


Just my two cents. I hope someone could do this in the future (I bet it's not going to be easy).

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LMAO, really?

The 100 hours of gameplay and more

beautiful scenery

amazing and life like options

great interactions

and so much more

you had to point out no footprints in the snow?

That just comes across so ungrateful and you are clearly looking into this game far too MUCH!



Not really ungrateful if you spent 60 dollars for a game. Kinda entitled to state your opinion.

It shall be modded of course! When the construction kit comes out.

Not sure if the devs are just to busy with other things, or lazy.

I am thinking a bit of both. Probably are like " We ran out of time, that and were lazy. So....the modders will take care of the rest."

Perhaps we should pay 30 dollars to Bethesda, then the other 30 dollars to Nexus for the modders. lol

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Perhaps we should pay 30 dollars to Bethesda, then the other 30 dollars to Nexus for the modders. lol

You could always pay for Premium ;-)



Haha, I could. However, money is going to be pretty tight at the moment.

Seeing how I am buying a new rigg.

This rigg is alright, but the one I am getting is going to a beast...well compared to this one.

I can play high setting on Skyrim with this computer, the new one I will be playing Ultra setting. Not sure how much of a difference is.

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