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So.... Does ANY ONE prefer to side with the NCR?


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I noticed not a single one of you guys (including the Legion supporter) ever tried the TRUE Secret ending of New Vegas.


I forgot which mod it was but once you download it you can kill Yes Man and kids in game.


Then grab your best gun, some ammo, and a pack of stimpaks and proceed to vaporize/blow up everyone in the Strip and the Mojave: Legion, NCR. Supermutant, deathclaw, essentially the Kill Everything ending. Its amazing how simple everything is with a rocket launcher.


The only sad part is they did not have much of an epilogue describing what the Mojave's future is with this true to form Fallout Ending.


Anyone here like to share their thoughts what, the future of the Mojave would be like with all factions wiped out? :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nothing against NCR - done that several times. Usually i do work with them until last battle. Now, to say House save my live... it's too much.

What i do not understand is:

Why so many ppl equal independence with anarchy. It is independent Vegas, not all for himself. In fact, not an option now but still hope for mod, Courier is best option as ruler of INDEPENDENT Vegas.

What i think is - NCR have their land, and Vegas is another.In game, they cannot secure even route from Vegas to the Dam. So we can have treaty, we can be ally, but why they have to rule? If u are good guy play,at end u have more support, than every1 in entire game. Also, more resource, technology( do not forget big MT - they can work for you) and ppl love you.

NCR is just visitors in Vegas - order is maintained by House Securitrons, King and casinos.

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  • 10 months later...

Sorry for the disjointedness of this but I am a dyslexic buzzed on scotch on a Saturday morning. So I hope it is understandable.


I've played all the factions and the NCR good ending seems to be the best all around from a Logical, Economical and quality of life standpoint. True Mr. House ending secures New Vegas but like the Legion it hinges on destroying or disbanding too many other minor factions: brotherhood Kings Followers and so on all get the shaft under House and Legion. Yes Man just lets the rest of Nevada descend into chaos while the strip is run by robots and rather poorly. NCR doesn't fix all the problems but siding with them done the right way brings the most stable and mostly good ending. Brotherhood helps patrol the roads, everyone has electricity the Kahn's move away and rebuild the Kings and Followers of the Apoc. stay in Freeside and work with each other and the NCR to bring a modicum of stability to the surrounding suburbs of the strip. Trade commerce relative stability.


... OK there is the taxes from the NCR that get imposed but a few taxes for all and relative stability and freedom for all vs Casar's death and slavery for all who don't fall in line.


House's stability for the strip and to hell with the rest of Nevada, California and surrounding area till he has his space rockets for colonization?!?!?


Yes Man's Terminator ruled waist lands... Do you really think his going off line to reprogram himself to be more assertive is going to be a good thing?


Of the 4 the NCR is the least evil choice followed by House... then gods forgive me... Legion at least it is run by people and people over generations can change. But the worst choice is the passive aggressive oh so helpful Yes Man. A soulless program that is self aware and has the capability to become "more assertive" AGGRESSIVE in it's decisions on how to treat and rule people. What's to stop Yes Man from coming back on line and going full skynet on the world? No one alive understood House's tech the way he did except for Yes Man and that is because it is House Tec itself. But with no morals no Asimov 3 laws no human oversight. Humanity's greatest strengths are dreams, aspirations, compassion and hope.

Now House was barely human anymore but still human. He wanted economic growth and change with hopes and dreams for the future. And he could rain in his robots when need be. But Yes Man is just a machine with a flawed personality program that is going to attempt to "fix" itself.


So, my picks for the Mojave

1. NCR Relative stability for all in the short term with a slow progression to a better future hopefully for all.

2. House Great stability for the Rich. Bone the rest of the world till he can get his plans up and running and then maybe a better future for all ... or Some.

3. Legion Screw everyone into the dark ages with indentured servants, slaves and constant warfare in the foreseeable future. With a slim hope of change in the far off future.

4. Yes Man ...screw everybody except Courier 6. The most selfish irresponsible and most dangerous choice. Give up humanity's choices to a machine that can be anywhere and can build more of itself. And can turn on you the Courier if it wakes up before you die of old age.

Edited by nopuc77
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Independent is best, because you can basically unf*#@ most of Vegas and it's envrions' issues. Who says your level 50, basically god-king-or-queen courier is just going to sit back on their laurels? s#*!, I don't see also why people think things would descend into immediate hell-chaos? You should have a pretty good net of allies by the end unless you're going full genocide.

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Independent is best, because you can basically unf*#@ most of Vegas and it's envrions' issues. Who says your level 50, basically god-king-or-queen courier is just going to sit back on their laurels? s***, I don't see also why people think things would descend into immediate hell-chaos? You should have a pretty good net of allies by the end unless you're going full genocide.


Thanks for nocking me off the display ... got sick of being up there so long for stupid reasons

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I side with the ncr mostly because they are trying to restore law and order to the mojave wasteland but i personaly dont think thats a good idea for them to controll new vegas because thats gonna imply that they are going to get even more streched thin nevertheless i side with them because they are kinda the good guys but after the slideshow at the end i think that a total fallout or riots of people that just dont wanna pay the ncr or be a part of it resulting in a civil war of sorts and since the ncr is already streched thin they cant do much about it probs the powder gang if not destroyed by the player will gain more force or some other insurgency group and the ncr is gonna have to fight again for new vegas or just leave it be

Anyway thats just my opinion on why i side with them but why i dont think is a good choice

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  • 3 weeks later...

Legion is what the wasteland needs, on the contrary to popular belief, they aren't just ruthless marauders here to plunder and pillage.


Most merchants say that the Legion lands are among the safest in the wasteland to travel.


Ceaser will eventually have his "Rome" which would be The Strip, and that is bound to change things fundamentally.

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  • 5 weeks later...

"i side with them because they are kinda the good guys "


Actually, they are claiming lands and water which doesn't belong to them. Mr. House saved that area. They signed a treaty with him and took 95% of the water. They don't protect the people but do protect the areas they deem important. That being said, if you are a good guy and want independence you have to make sure of the following:


1. Give Primm their own sheriff

2. Help NCR get rid of Eddie Powder Gang

3. Kill the Fiend's leaders including Motor runner

4. Get the Great Khans to leave

5. Get the Great Khan to take vault 19 powder gang with them.

6. Get Mick and Ralph to supply Julie Farkas

7. Have NCR and BOS peace agreement with BOS protecting I15.

8. Save Goodsprings





Nopuc77: "Yes Man ...screw everybody except Courier 6. The most selfish irresponsible and most dangerous choice. Give up humanity's choices to a machine that can be anywhere and can build more of itself. And can turn on you the Courier if it wakes up before you die of old age."



LOL, that doesn't match the Good Karma ending with YesMan. A little less emotion and a little more facts is greatly appreciated. If you do the above, Goodsprings does well financially. If you go with NCR, old timers lose their homes because of taxes in Goodsprings. It is called the Independent ending for a reason.

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  • 3 weeks later...

True JohnnyQuest101 It may have been on the more emotional side but I did warn you that I was drinking while writing it. lol

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