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Ignorance is Bliss


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She obviously doesn't have a clue what it means to be a soldier in the military. It's not like these guys can get together and simply decide "Hell No, we Won't Go." I didn't listen to her whole spiel. I got tired of the repetition, and her uniformed ranting.
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She obviously doesn't have a clue what it means to be a soldier in the military. It's not like these guys can get together and simply decide "Hell No, we Won't Go." I didn't listen to her whole spiel. I got tired of the repetition, and her uniformed ranting.


yea i was gunna say you dont have to watch the whole thing to get the point. i only paid attention to the first 2-3 minutes then left it going while i had other browsers open lol.


she not only doesnt like soldiers, or war, she flat out doesnt like ppl who decide to become soldiers. im just in awe at her ignorance and lack of disrespect! and the fact she has absolutely useless "facts" but she thinks she smart by rambling on and using a few sophisticated words (and thats being generous calling them that)...shes the kind of person who watched an episode or two of CNN and now thinks shes smarted and more knowledgeable then the rest of the world and anyone who disagrees with her POV is an idiot.


wonder if she even works, or what she does. im guessing nothing that requires any brain power or any sort of physical or stressful work.

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I admit that after three minutes of her drivel I tuned out. It goes with the territory we also defend those that do not appreciate the sacrifice involved but their are more than enough of the others to make up for a few clueless individuals that enjoy the liberty that others provide and maintain. :wallbash:
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as i said to my friend who posted this. isnt it irony that the same soldiers she hates, defend her right to hate them? (my exact words were "so is it irony that the soldiers fight for her right to make this video?")


there is a difference between being against the war, and being against the soldiers. the case she makes is more about being against the current war but just taking it out against the soldiers so she can stand out. she prolly things she an individual by going against what everyone else thinks.


im against the war too. but i am NOT against our soldiers. they joined the military for the right reasons, the fact that they dont quit just because the war doesnt make sense deserves even more honor. they stick with it just for the simple fact they wanna protect whats at home.

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I am seriously tired of the whole "they defend your right to freedom" thing. Currently the military is defending nothing but foreign countries. At a later date they might be defending your rights, but not right now. While I do support the troops, don't pretend they are defending anything but a base overseas.


You should be against the wars, and you should be against pointless deployments. You should not be against people who join the military for a good purpose.

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thats what i said, kinda. soldiers sdo defend our right to freedom. period. no ifs ands or buts. ppl join the military with the intent to protect our country (well most do anyways lol we wont get into specifics) the government however doesnt or isnt using them for that purpose. but to deny soldiers their respect just because they government isnt using them for a purpose they should be used for is just ignorant and isnt the fault of soldiers. they dont join hoping they can pick their battles. they go in there for whatever their country needs them for. and again what we use our soldiers for is another debate entirely.
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Wow. You asked that we watch the video and tell you what we think. Like many before me, I was unable to watch it all the way through, as I got the point fairly early on.


Firstly, I believe that the young woman is entitled to her opinion.


Secondly, I think that she has no clue what "the troops" are and what they stand for. As many have already said, maybe she doesn't even know that she would be unable to stand there and say those things were it not for this country (I'm assuming she is an American) in which she apparently lives, and the troops who join the military and serve and protect it. They do not join just to protect the rights that she wants protected. I suspect that a great many of our troops understand and/or believe that some of what they are required to do may not be particularly enjoyable to them. However, they signed on the dotted line and made a pledge to their fellow countrymen and women.


If she has a job, I would imagine she must follow a procedures manual of some sort. We all live in a world wherein some of our duties are more acceptable to us than others. The military is not a place for the faint of heart. However, those of us who disagree with wars and administrations, etc. can still stand behind the backs of the young men and women who protect us while we stand up and say so.


I was a war protestor during the Viet Nam years, but even then I was not one of those who spat upon the young soldiers returning from battle. I could never understand that sort of behaviour coming from my fellow "hippies" and advocates of "peace" and "love".


Anyway, enough said....



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I am seriously tired of the whole "they defend your right to freedom" thing. Currently the military is defending nothing but foreign countries. At a later date they might be defending your rights, but not right now. While I do support the troops, don't pretend they are defending anything but a base overseas.


You should be against the wars, and you should be against pointless deployments. You should not be against people who join the military for a good purpose.


That's pretty darned insulting, marharth, considering that it's the season of remembrance (well it is over here) at the moment. Sometimes troops have to be put on foreign soil in order to defend your rights to freedom and put a stop to the spread of extremist ideals. I need only mention World War II in that context.


Do you really think foreigners don't matter then? Well it's a good job from my point of view that Franklin D Roosevelt didn't think that way.

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