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Ignorance is Bliss


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Right now, our troops are NOT defending OUR freedom, they are defending someone elses. At our expense. We went to afghanistan to get ONE guy. Well, we got him, now, why are we still there? Because of the threat from terrorists? Well gee, guess what, our mere PRESENCE in afghanistan is one of the leading causes why the terrorists are all-fired mad at us. Iraq is another prime example of that. There are more terrorists there NOW, than there was when Saddam was in power. (he didn't want anything to do with them.) Our military is being used to further the interests of the military-industrial complex. What they are doing there now, does not help american security in any way, shape, form, or manner. It's just a giant training ground for terrorists, with live targets to shoot at. There is so much WRONG with what we are doing there, if it were my decision to make, we would be out of there tomorrow. Watch and see what happens in 2014, when we are supposed to be out of there. Afghanistan will go RIGHT back to what it was when we arrived. The current government couldn't possibly survive without america propping it up. We are supporting drug growers, and one of the most corrrupt governments on planet earth. And we are supposed to be the "good guys"????? Not from where I am sitting.


There is a tremendous difference between what happened in the early 40's, and what is going on today. WWII was a NATION that was stepping out of line, and had visions of world conquest, that they were acting on. They had an organized military that wore uniforms. None of that is true today. They don't wear uniforms, they are not associated with any particular nation, (well, ok, maybe Iran, or Pakistan, you know, our supposed ALLY in the war in afghanistan? Yeah, them.) they are a bunch of loosely knit groups, that have no predefined theater of operations, no base, or country we can bomb back to the stone age (afghanistan, and large parts of pakistan are already living in the stone age....) There is no "great leader" we can kill to take the wind out of their sails. A large scale land operation against these guys is a waste of time, effort, lives, and money. (not necessarily in that order.)

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invading a country cannot stop a gang. its like Russia invading the US to stop the mafia or something. invading the US isnt gunna do jank cause we have nothing to do with them....therefore invading any middle eastern country isnt gunna stop Al-Qaeda.



as for the video. i actually went back and watched the whole thing, and a couple of her other videos...she really is just a ranter looking to become the next youtube sensation or whatever. its semi-working. not that ive ever heard of her before a friend of mine posted that video on facebook where i saw it, but a couple of her videos have multi-million views and the same amount in video responses and whatnot. she really is the prime example of a troll. and despite how stupid she is, she did a wonderful job at being a troll.


and if we ever get into a war with China. its gunna end up exactly like FallOut, with both sides gone. M.A.D. China however doesnt rely on us as much as we rely on them. the only thing they need from us is the billions we owe them lol (not actually funny)

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Geezz, why in god's name would someone even watch this?? I mean it looks like she's recording this nonsense in her closet?!? Seriously?!? I stopped watchig after 3 seconds. Edited by Pushkatu
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@HeyYou, someday I believe you will drive me to distraction (or at least to drink) :( ...


You are fundamentally right about most everything (or let me rephrase that.... I find that your beliefs tend to coincide with mine on most things :yes: ), and then every now and then you just come along and say something that makes me want to spit nails :wallbash:


However, having said all that, I just want to tell you that your above post in this particular thread makes perfect sense to me, unfortunately..:sad:

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Right now, our troops are NOT defending OUR freedom, they are defending someone elses. At our expense. We went to afghanistan to get ONE guy. Well, we got him, now, why are we still there? Because of the threat from terrorists? Well gee, guess what, our mere PRESENCE in afghanistan is one of the leading causes why the terrorists are all-fired mad at us. Iraq is another prime example of that. There are more terrorists there NOW, than there was when Saddam was in power. (he didn't want anything to do with them.) Our military is being used to further the interests of the military-industrial complex. What they are doing there now, does not help american security in any way, shape, form, or manner. It's just a giant training ground for terrorists, with live targets to shoot at. There is so much WRONG with what we are doing there, if it were my decision to make, we would be out of there tomorrow. Watch and see what happens in 2014, when we are supposed to be out of there. Afghanistan will go RIGHT back to what it was when we arrived. The current government couldn't possibly survive without america propping it up. We are supporting drug growers, and one of the most corrrupt governments on planet earth. And we are supposed to be the "good guys"????? Not from where I am sitting.


There is a tremendous difference between what happened in the early 40's, and what is going on today. WWII was a NATION that was stepping out of line, and had visions of world conquest, that they were acting on. They had an organized military that wore uniforms. None of that is true today. They don't wear uniforms, they are not associated with any particular nation, (well, ok, maybe Iran, or Pakistan, you know, our supposed ALLY in the war in afghanistan? Yeah, them.) they are a bunch of loosely knit groups, that have no predefined theater of operations, no base, or country we can bomb back to the stone age (afghanistan, and large parts of pakistan are already living in the stone age....) There is no "great leader" we can kill to take the wind out of their sails. A large scale land operation against these guys is a waste of time, effort, lives, and money. (not necessarily in that order.)

You've summed up my opinions pretty much.

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Right now, our troops are NOT defending OUR freedom, they are defending someone elses. At our expense. We went to afghanistan to get ONE guy. Well, we got him, now, why are we still there? Because of the threat from terrorists? Well gee, guess what, our mere PRESENCE in afghanistan is one of the leading causes why the terrorists are all-fired mad at us. Iraq is another prime example of that. There are more terrorists there NOW, than there was when Saddam was in power. (he didn't want anything to do with them.) Our military is being used to further the interests of the military-industrial complex. What they are doing there now, does not help american security in any way, shape, form, or manner. It's just a giant training ground for terrorists, with live targets to shoot at. There is so much WRONG with what we are doing there, if it were my decision to make, we would be out of there tomorrow. Watch and see what happens in 2014, when we are supposed to be out of there. Afghanistan will go RIGHT back to what it was when we arrived. The current government couldn't possibly survive without america propping it up. We are supporting drug growers, and one of the most corrrupt governments on planet earth. And we are supposed to be the "good guys"????? Not from where I am sitting.


There is a tremendous difference between what happened in the early 40's, and what is going on today. WWII was a NATION that was stepping out of line, and had visions of world conquest, that they were acting on. They had an organized military that wore uniforms. None of that is true today. They don't wear uniforms, they are not associated with any particular nation, (well, ok, maybe Iran, or Pakistan, you know, our supposed ALLY in the war in afghanistan? Yeah, them.) they are a bunch of loosely knit groups, that have no predefined theater of operations, no base, or country we can bomb back to the stone age (afghanistan, and large parts of pakistan are already living in the stone age....) There is no "great leader" we can kill to take the wind out of their sails. A large scale land operation against these guys is a waste of time, effort, lives, and money. (not necessarily in that order.)

This is exactly what I was saying.

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Lady in video (+ Marharth,HeyYou, etc. to a lesser extent)-

Have you ever read Lord of the Rings?

Your home = Shire

Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. = The Woods out there, full of giant spiders, barrow wights, and evil men.

Troops = Rangers, prowling the woods and taking care of them out there so that they don't have to take care of them in the Shire, and you quaint little hobbits can enjoy your tea and crumpets and smoke your pipe-weed in peace, even while you are ignorant and unappreciative of the Rangers out there slitting orc-throats.

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Lady in video (+ Marharth,HeyYou, etc. to a lesser extent)-

Have you ever read Lord of the Rings?

Your home = Shire

Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. = The Woods out there, full of giant spiders, barrow wights, and evil men.

Troops = Rangers, prowling the woods and taking care of them out there so that they don't have to take care of them in the Shire, and you quaint little hobbits can enjoy your tea and crumpets and smoke your pipe-weed in peace, even while you are ignorant and unappreciative of the Rangers out there slitting orc-throats.



That comparison isn't even close to correct.


The troops are not stopping terrorist attacks, so no. Its more like ten thousand rangers invade a entire forest to hunt down a single spider, and fail to do so for over a period ten years. Also the forest is nowhere near your town and the spider is not really a threat.

Edited by marharth
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Lady in video (+ Marharth,HeyYou, etc. to a lesser extent)-

Have you ever read Lord of the Rings?

Your home = Shire

Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. = The Woods out there, full of giant spiders, barrow wights, and evil men.

Troops = Rangers, prowling the woods and taking care of them out there so that they don't have to take care of them in the Shire, and you quaint little hobbits can enjoy your tea and crumpets and smoke your pipe-weed in peace, even while you are ignorant and unappreciative of the Rangers out there slitting orc-throats.



That comparison isn't even close to correct.


The troops are not stopping terrorist attacks, so no. Its more like ten thousand rangers invade a entire forest to hunt down a single spider, and fail to do so for over a period ten years. Also the forest is nowhere near your town and the spider is not really a threat.


dont forget we finally kill the spider and...nothing happened.

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I confess. I didn't watch it.


I didn't read all the posts.


(I don't give a damn if you don't read mine.)


Why am I replying? Because I think it's kind of -- what's a nice way to put this?


Why would you give this woman a voice, and a forum to spout her obvious inanity? Why do you pay attention to things that don't deserve attention? Why piddle away precious time and energy you could be using on something or someone worthwhile? That's a primary example of what's wrong with society in general. No separating the wheat from the chaff. So what? She's another ninny, they're literally a dime a dozen.


Life is short.

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