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Ignorance is Bliss


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HeyYou, I linked the report that I did, as I said precisely because it was unfavourable to the view that Bush and Bliar were peddling. I'd agree that forcing a regime change where the people of a nation themselves do not want it is apt to boomerang, and also that having boots on the ground has probably made the likes of Al Qaeda WANT to hit us harder because of that. But wanting, and being able to do anything about it, are different matters. The fact of the troops being there means that they are fighting the war over there and not doing so many attacks over here.


My question would then become: How many attacks have we had? Two? Three? In how many years? I think assigning a value of reduced attacks due to the war is grasping at straws at best. How many folks were killed when they blew up the WTC? Six dead, couple hundred wounded? And then the Twin towers in 2001? 2500 dead? maybe a few more? So, how many people have died in the wars? In Iraq, almost 4500? With over 33 THOUSAND wounded. And Afghanistan? Over 2800 so far? The terrorists don't NEED to come here to kill americans, we have GIVEN them a nice target selection in their own back yard. Had we NOT tossed away over 7000 lives in what I view as useless wars, would the terrorists have made another spectacular attack here? Would the death toll be nearly so high? And that doesn't even include the tens of thousands of civilian casualties...... Given the paranoia engendered by the 9/11 attacks, I highly doubt it. The ONLY thing we have accomplished in Iraq is given the terrorists a new haven, and removed the one check we had in the area on Iran. Afghanistan? We have once again restored it to the number one opium producer on the planet, with the worlds most corrupt government. We have spent trillions of dollars fighting wars, blowing up stuff, rebuilding the same stuff, so someone else can blow it up, or simply salvage it for their own purposes. Please take note that oil production in Iraq STILL isn't much above the levels it was at when all the UN sanctions were in place. Oh, we accomplished a lot there now didn't we?


Neither of these wars is doing a damn thing to combat terrorism HERE AT HOME. All we are doing is giving the extremists YET ANOTHER place to point and say "LOOK, America is trying to tell you how to live your life/run your country! Better watch out, if they decide they don't like you, they will over throw your government, and force their way of life on you at GUNPOINT."


I put forth that BECAUSE of the wars, we are MORE likely to be the target of a terrorist attack.

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"Invading someones house and killing them makes no sense at all."


Still it happens, done by US troops.






edit: And about US citizens not knowing anything happening around the world, i can only say one thing: It seems your media has been isolated you from events around the world. I thought this only happens in failed communist countries like North Korea...Not USA.

Edited by raatorotta
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Minority? Why there is then so many reports like that? And minority or not, it shouldn't happen at all. All what killing innocent civilians (by bomb dropped, shot from helicopter or invading houses) is only making more people angry at you and making them support terrorists and spread the war. Anyway, you are warring this war far beyond your borders. There wouldn't really be any major threat to your country if all those soldiers would watch over your borders instead of spreading war around the world.

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"Invading someones house and killing them makes no sense at all."


Still it happens, done by US troops.





Those wars are not just wars, and those troops are in the minority.


Minority? Why there is then so many reports like that? And minority or not, it shouldn't happen at all. All what killing innocent civilians (by bomb dropped, shot from helicopter or invading houses) is only making more people angry at you and making them support terrorists and spread the war. Anyway, you are warring this war far beyond your borders. There wouldn't really be any major threat to your country if all those soldiers would watch over your borders instead of spreading war around the world.


Not to mention that the folks that REALLY wanted to kill americans wouldn't be there AT ALL, had we NOT invaded in the first place.

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