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Construction Set ?


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It's disappointing that 1 week later they haven't given us any indication of when they will release it...

As much as I'd like to get my hands on it, I'm kinda happy that by not releasing it they give me the time to fully explore the game. Like that I can make an educated decision about what I'd really like to change.
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I like the new elves and thier eyebrow ridges. It makes them more like they were in Morrowind and less like humans with pointy ears. But then again I also seem to like women with prominate noses as well. Having completely soft features is so boring...


Well, I am not about to join the worship of all things Morrowind, thus making the elves look more like Morrowind ones was a step back for me. Morrowind was a great game, but the character models and textures were not among the finer things about it, shall we say. Fortunately modders have already got to work. But I want the CS ASAP because more sliders are needed for face making. See here's the thing, prominent noses I don't have a problem with, since I have one myself. But these Skyrim noses aren't just prominent. The bridge for the female noses is WAY too wide and makes them all look like prizefighters who had several smacks in the face too many. Since I tend to play Bretons, Dunmer or Bosmer who are stealth and/or magic leaning, the prizefighter look is inappropriate for them.


I am thinking maybe we will get the Creation Kit with the next patch, or rather at the same time or just after.

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Note I suspect this is a fake and/or will get users prob a virus or some other crap.


Hey I was just randomly browsing the internet and I typed in construction set.. and I came across this you tube video.

I did not post this nor have I ever modded anything myself.. I am not trying get anybody mess up there Pc.


If anybody wishes to check it out and find out if it is real or just a fake. I don't know.. So please be careful. I suspect that its a hoax,

but I just want bring to Mod community attention. If it is a fake, then maybe we can get Youtube to kill it.


EDIT : Link removed.. was fake


Just you tube link, So your safe to go look,.

but to actually click on the link that they showing at You Tub, I will leave that in your hands and somebody brave enough can check it out for them self.


I also read that the REAL CS tools will be released sometime from now and begin of Dec sometime. I forget where I read that. About same time

when they release the next patch for Skyrim for consoles,and PC. I hope it sooner. :) I think I read somewhere on steam forms but can't remember.


Oh here about patch info Skyrim Patch coming soon

Edited by centaurchester
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Considering there have been no words from the developers, Id say it is fake.

I put my coin that the CK will be out with the incoming patch. Not too long hopefully. I got way too much I want to do now! How I wish we got the Construction Kit the same day we got the game :(

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Note I suspect this is a fake and/or will get users prob a virus or some other crap.


Hey I was just randomly browsing the internet and I typed in construction set.. and I came across this you tube video.

I did not post this nor have I ever modded anything myself.. I am not trying get anybody mess up there Pc.


If anybody wishes to check it out and find out if it is real or just a fake. I don't know.. So please be careful. I suspect that its a hoax,

but I just want bring to Mod community attention. If it is a fake, then maybe we can get Youtube to kill it.


Just you tube link, So your safe to go look,.

but to actually click on the link that they showing at You Tub, I will leave that in your hands and somebody brave enough can check it out for them self.


I also read that the REAL CS tools will be released sometime from now and begin of Dec sometime. I forget where I read that. About same time

when they release the next patch for Skyrim for consoles,and PC. I hope it sooner. :)


Downloaded and test:


Pls remove it from your post.

Its a fake and it has like 20 Virus files in it.



Just a little hint: If there is a YT video with a link and Comments + rating is disabled, dont even THINK about downloading it ;)

Edited by LunaWolve
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