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Things you found silly... WARNING: HEAVY SPOILERS


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I think it's funny that at the beginning they're going to chop your head off for crossing the border of Skyrim, but you can kill somebody and get away with it for 1000 gold.


Yeah that girl is a one off lol The first time i saw here she said something about how nice it would be to adventure, two girls travelling and something about making men crazy performing. I did'nt catch the exact frase, and i reloaded & realoaded but somehow she did'tn turn up again, but i thought WTF lol i want you as a follower lol


I keep finding her hanging out next to the guard inside the Blue Palace in Solitude.


...War Remains..and War...War Never changes...


LOL @ this. :thumbsup:



Something funny just happened to me. I fast traveled to this one spot near the river, heard a roar overhead and knew a dragon attack was coming. I dismounted my horse, only to see a dragon plop down behind me, already dead. As I was looking up, getting blasted with flames from a second dragon, I absorbed the dead one's soul, killed the second one and got its soul too. I guess that was a two for one deal. Do dragons attack each other?

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Do dragons attack each other?


I haven't seen that but I have seen a Hagraven take a dragon down with the mass fireballs they cast. I think I was about lvl 30 so the Hagraven would have been pretty tough.

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I had an NPC named "Madwoman" run up to me on the side of the road. She noticed I was carrying the Wabbajack and was begging for me to use it on her. After her request, all she'd say was, "Wabbajack! Wabbajack! Wabbajack!!"


So I hit her with it and she turned into a rabbit. Ran away, then morphed back into her original form and became hostile. I thu'um'ed her to death and then checked her inventory. She was carrying a set of tongs!

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I find it silly that every ancient sealed off tomb has fresh fruit and vegetables.

Think that is funny? I looted a Daugir and he had Tomato Soup......must have needed lunch while he was waiting in his coffin. :facepalm:

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I find this bug silly. This is the second time I've found a dead horse like this. There were not even any horses in this location - I went into a mine and came out and there was this dead horse with its butt in the air.




Oh, that's nothing - I get to see them flying through the air before they end up like that.


Me: "What was that????"


Farkas: "Oh, just another flying horse. I think he landed over there. MMMMMmmmmm! Barbeque!!"

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