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I've actually got a spear and pike mod in my game... problem is, I'm not sure which mod I used added it. It was added under imperial crafting. I wanna say it came with the tytanis ultimate mod.


I feel like friggin Balsa from Serei no Moribito when I have the thing equiped. It is freakin awesome but super weak, I'm at level 25, lvl 62 heavy weapons, 3 perks to heavy weapon damage, and have crafted it into "superior" and it does about 30 damage.


It would be awesome for someone to make a mod where you could stab with it. As is you just swing away like its a great big stick

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This should be pretty simple to most modders.


All you'd have to do is make the model using the Steel Dagger as the base; extend the handle so that it's long enough for a spear.


Then use the one-handed staff animations for the attack and power attack.


Fix the damage range for the model so that it matches the length of the spear.


Make sure the damage is balanced for the game.


And there you have it.

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Kind of similar but kind of unrelated but throwing javelins would be pretty awesome imo. It seems like the kind

of thing a Nord would historically be using anyhow.


I'm not really a modder but I shouldn't be to hard to port over Fallout new vegas's throwing spear animation should it?

Edited by Azartic
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