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Reviews Section


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Sorry, I couldn't find anywhere else to put this. If you know a better place to put this I will repost there


Basically, I was wondering if you could include a review system in nexus mods. I love the way you can simply tell whether a game is worth buying by looking at reviews, so even if a game has an amazing description, you can tell if there is any problems by simply scrolling down. I have a feeling a chance to express peoples opinions on mods without being lost in the comments after being seen by 2 people would be good, and the mod author could just log on after 6 months of inactivity to find 20 reviews of how brilliant their mod is, inspiring them to make more, or simply feel much better about a mod they've released. It's your choice and most probably some work, but I feel it would be benificial for everyone in the end

Edited by Ele20002
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Mod review was tried before, with the rating fiasco. Hope it NEVER comes back. Keep this crappy rating for the bad websites. In here you have comment sections where you can offer your feedback, better than any rating.

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It's been asked for before and tried before. General answer is mod authors don't want it, Nexus has tried it before and it turned into nothing but a long nasty mud run. We have a system that works quiet well now, with endorsements, comments and downloads that's more than enough. If you want reviews there's some on youtube but there will not be a review system in place on Nexus again.

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Oooh, yeah, I remember that...damn, that was years ago, no? Was a big thing too, there were some who were for it to stay, while other wanted it gone, or changed. Both modders and users, neither camp was really homogeneous. Originally nexus had that rating system. I think there were actual problems with it. Not just touchy-feel.

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