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Companion idea/request Tina De Luca


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I would be pretty happy if someone did a Tina De Luca companion mod since I always really liked her. I use console commands to make her follow me but power armour is a problem as there are no "talk" dialogue options to tell her to leave the armour even though she has some initial conversation dialogue as does the player for "hello". The path finding for her is weird as well as she has gotten stuck on many staircases and railings that I've seen

9may be due to the fact she is still "vault" Tina since the glitch from the quest has affected my game). I've never modded anything and don't know how it works but i do see companion mods every now and then so i'm not sure if its as easy as putting some of curies code into Tina or something that would take months but I would appreciate it as would some others, i'm sure. Thanks!

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Admitted Necropost here. I too would love to see her made into a full fledged companion. It just seems like she was originally supposed to be a recruitable companion and then got nerfed for whatever reason. With all the custom companion mods already released I wish someone would just convert her. Admittedly my modding days are pretty much over, barely have time to play FO4 even. I know how much work it is, I'm just hoping to convince somebody to do a little copy and paste of a companion they already have finished

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Yup I already have that. It's funny, just the fact that they forgot to voice her as a settler makes you wonder if she was supposed to be one in the first place.


Apparently someone has already started an attempt to companionize Tina but they appear to have run into a snag and I'm not sure where that attempt is going



Edited by wileecoyote1969
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