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Anyone else dissapointed about the Dark Brotherhood? *spoilers*


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The father of the son you kill wants revenge on you for his sons death.

He strikes a deal with astrid, if she gives you to him, he will allow the db to continue. Because at this point he knows they are responsible for the deaths. Astrid of course wants the db to live on, so she agrees. Only to be double crossed herself when they show up to sack the sanctuary.


Hope that clarifies things a little for you.

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I found it pretty silly:


First they send an assassin to kill you and then, after killing this perverted orphanage lady, the dark brotherhood leader ask you to kill one of the three chaps.


No mention of the contract on you. Really silly, Astrid, a lethal mistake. She was so easy to kill.


Cheers Euclid

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I completed the quest line for DBH and i am pretty dissapointed on how it turned out, i was wondering what other people thought about it. *Spoiler*: Also what exactly did astrid mean when she wanted to save the DBH and get me killed? for what reason






It was a power grab. She was used to being in charge since the beginning. Basically running her own little murderer coven. But when The Nightmother and the Listener started taking her authority away, she started to panic. She couldn't handle the idea of not being in control of her organization anymore. So, she figured if she got the listener killed then things would go back to how they were - with her calling the shots. Not some newcomer that supposedly hears a talking corpse nobody else can hear.


It's good that she died though. If you have Lucien Lachance summoned inside the sanctuary, he'll tell you it could use a good purging. (If you're familiar with Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion, that means kill nearly every single person in there because they're all incompetent, unworthy, possibly traitors, or what have you)


And anywho, the only thing I'm disappointed with is:


1) Babette does not have enough dialog. After her initial talk, all she says is her alchemy crap. They really could have went so far with her, but they did nothing.

2) Babette had ZERO dialog commenting on the player being a vampire or werewolf. I was so disappointed with that... There are practically no other vampire npc's you could talk to about it, and she doesn't even have any dialog for it. At least in Oblivion the vampire in the Dark Brotherhood could a) turn you once you were trusted, or b) talked to you about vampirism, or c) both.

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Yea, when I saw Babette I immediately thought of her as my ticket to trying out vampirism in Skyrim. Another compounding problem is that she's one of the just two original members that survives. At least they could've focused on more dialogue for the surviving members if not the others.


Astrid was ridiculous though. You could always tell she didn't like giving up power... but to make a deal with a guy who's son she ordered to be killed is bizarre. It's like if a crime boss orders the death of someone important to you and a hired thug does the killing. Would you be content in getting revenge on the random thug sent to do the bidding? No, you'd want to kill the boss too, which is what happened here.


Another negative is that I liked the first sanctuary more than the second one.

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Astrid didn't want things to get formal again.


She just wanted to chill and kill people for money, that's why she hated that a listener had been found.


The spectral assassin was cool, if only he'd shut up, he has about 4 lines and all he does is repeat them.


All in all none of the guild quests were any good, they were all too short.

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It is kinda odd that Maro simply tried to wipe out the Dark Brotherhood instead of capturing and interrogating them. I suppose it is simply proof of more Imperial incompetence. Astrid's betrayal is mind bogglingly boneheaded though. There's a reason why the DB didn't assassinate every Emperor and that's because the DB knew they'd be hunted down by the imperial army, especially if they failed. Her outing the player as a DB assassin out to get the emperor pretty much doomed the order. Even after the player takes over, I doubt the DB will regain the power it enjoyed during Oblivion. The DB's assassinations pale in comparison to the Thalmor's purges and I doubt the Thalmor will be receptive to the idea of leaving the DB alone after the end of the questline.
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I was somewhat disappointed with the DB aswell. Had hoped to see the ppl from oblivion there, or atleast some of em. Personally i like the "little girl".


First i thought "wtf, kids running around here? :blink: but more like, a 300 year old vampire :tongue:


But overall i found the DB questline to be somewhat Dull. Sneaking all my way in to the emperor through the ship, just for him to expect me to arrive -.-



Tho the assasin you can summon is Lucien, The guy who "recruited" you in oblivion. (the one that would come to you in your sleep after your kill) Found that somewhat fun, but his talking do get annoying in the long run.

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