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Mage Classes


Favorite Skyrim "Class"  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you play the game?

    • Sword and board. They won't last long, but I will. ;)
    • Massive two-hander. They won't last long. At all.
    • Restoration freak. They won't be killing me anytime soon.
    • Destruction! They'll be nothing but a pile of ash when I'm finished.
    • Conjuration machine. Let my minions do the work for me.
    • Alteration. They'll wish they hadn't downed all that Skooma earlier.
    • Mixed. Versatility is my thing, and I get to hit 'em with everything.
    • Archer/Ranger. Won't even know what hit 'em.
    • Rogue. I'm the fiendish type.

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1-handed with Respite in Resto is pretty powerful. Fills up Stamina and Health easily so I can keep power-swinging in enemies' faces. My weapon isn't even that great, but it seems to outclass what damage I can do with Destruction.


I initially wanted 2-h, Dual Wield, or 1-h and Shield, but those feel really defenseless. Also switching back and forth from Dual Wield is a nightmare.

Edited by Reddimus
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One handers and Destruction, swapping to Restoration in emergencies and/or switching to dual casting when keeping distance is obligatory (I go unarmored).

Sword speccing for melee and lightning for Destruction.

Currently picking Restoration perks (need to for dire situations, plus the extra magicka regen seems nifty), Enchanting (moneymaking! Wooo!) and Speechcraft ('cause I roll like so :D).

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Playing a heavy-handed assassin with a big axe in my right hand and destruction (magic) in my left, wearing leather armor crafted by myself (as is the axe). Died a couple of times early on when I still haden't decided what and how to play, but now it's all good (though I still have to lower the difficulty sometimes, playing on expert).
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news flash. reaching lv7 is not "working".


i'm lv 26 roughly, playing a battlemage. alternating between sword and destruction magic. I'm finding at this point that my magic is somewhat outclassed and ineffective against the higher level enemies. Most fights are won with my sword, which scales much better. Magic just doesnt do enough damage and spells dont get stronger, only replaced with new ones which dont ramp up in damage anywhere near fast enough.


i've only gotten to adept level spells though, so maybe expert and master will hold something good, im not sure.

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if you are already that high levelled and you are only 'still' at adept then I wonder how long it takes before you can even do master / expert level spells.... I'm also very curious to see what sort of animation the maximum level magic can do and how it looks like..


oh, and my personal favourite is the ice spike now! Though if it were a real world and an enemy would get such a spike in your chest I think it would be game over instantly instead of only losing a little bit of health.

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