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Ugly Helmets


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Once again Bethesda has outdone themselves in their effort to create the ugliest helmets ever. All I ask is that someone make a mod that allows me to equip a helmet without having the ugly abomination show up on my character's head. Seriously, I thought this was a common RPG feature nowadays.
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Hell no, dragon plate has those idiot horns. So far I've seen only the daedric and dragon scale helmets look acceptable. Same problem as in Oblivion, where only

the daedric and the crusaders helmet did not make you retarded.


Because of this I never wear helmets, does it actually help if you do?

Edited by eend123
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If you get hit hard on the head you'll notice a difference :P


(I'm in the "no helmet cause they ruin the look" type of people, and when I get caught and a hard hit connects with the head its lights out even with lots of health left, getting hit nomrally does practically no damage though :)

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Because of this I never wear helmets, does it actually help if you do?


Helmets help a lot. Not only because they have a good chunk of AC, but also because the Perk system rewards you a lot of AC for wearing a full suit of armor, which includes a helmet. Plus, it's another item that can carry enchantments on it that you're missing out on if you aren't wearing it.


Though, in all honesty, the game isn't hard enough where you'll need all that extra AC and enchantments, but not wearing a helmet greatly reduces the entire point of trees like the Light and Heavy armor trees.


That said, a no helmet mod usually tweaks the location of the helmet to another slot, like the ring slot. Doing so would then make you have to choose between everything a helmet might bring, especially if perked for it, vs whatever a ring might give you. Pretty sure the helmet would win out in that fight, but it's something to think about I guess.


I'm no modder, so I don't know if doing that would require the as of yet unreleased toolkit or not.

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