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Ways to Increase Destruction Damage?


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Trying to figure out something I can do to increase damage. I've got 1/2 on the Fire perk, but I have the feeling the second point won't do much. I'm 50-some Destruction and I have the Adept tier skills.


It's similar to what was said in another thread. My spells can one-shot some enemies, but then others in the same vicinity will need 20-some shots to kill. I'm better off meleein' em to death.


Is there any other way to close the gap?



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Are you trying to get sheer ultimate 1 shot or looking for better ways to survive?


+ Dual Casting with the stun perk = invincible in 1 on 1 situations. Just time attacks right and your opponent shouldn't get a shot off.

+ Get Enchantment(middle line) = Enchant Magika spell reduction cost on enough items = Free spells. :)

+ Sneak ability damage perks if you really want to get into kill shots.


+ For survival purposes, I find that conjuring up an atronarch helps a lot if I may get overran.




Hahahaha about the buckets. :) They never know what hits them! :P

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It's not really about one-shotting. It's just trying to get similar damage output to my one-hander. I guess it might just be that my one-hand tree is a bit more developed while I'm still on Adept spells in Destruction.. I don't know. That makes it all the tougher to level up if it's not as viable a method to kill something y'know? Meh. Also mana wasn't really the issue. Even if I chugged a ton of mana pots, it'd still take way more shots than it should.
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Speaking of which, Is it true your destruction only increases when you attack creatures/people with it?


On my first night I figured I would train destruction by casting the flames spell all over Riverwood and then quit after finding I didnt seem to raise the progress bar one pixel.

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Speaking of which, Is it true your destruction only increases when you attack creatures/people with it?


On my first night I figured I would train destruction by casting the flames spell all over Riverwood and then quit after finding I didnt seem to raise the progress bar one pixel.


^^^yes, sadly. I find it pretty irritating that I can run around casting alteration spells and level but no destruction spells. I'm guessing some people would just sit there and level it up and all kill immediately though.

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TwoToedSloth:^^^yes, sadly. I find it pretty irritating that I can run around casting alteration spells and level but no destruction spells. I'm guessing some people would just sit there and level it up and all kill immediately though.



thats odd. i ran around castin alt and conj to try lvlin them and they dont move at all for me...only seems to increase when there are enemies around. which i assume beth did to stop ppl like me sittin at my home and castin summon or oakskin for hours to speed lvl. even tho it would make sense for a mage to train in the safety of his home or at the college before headin out into the world. i would have prefered a cap on it like goin to a trainer. but then thats me!

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