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Hair/Eye question


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Does anybody know a way to force the game to randomly assign hairs and eyes to NPCs?


I niavely thought that if I made a patch that removed eye and hair data from NPCs, the game would have to assign random values. Naturally this did not work. But is there a way to actually do this? I don't want to throw in the towel yet if there's something else I can try.

Edited by fulgate
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Whenever I rebuild my bashed patch I see it reported that WB is assigning random hair and eyes to NPCs who are missing them (you need to watch the reported progress as the BP is being rebuilt), but beyond seeing that reported I don't have further info. Could be there is more info on it in the Wrye Bash readmes (found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder).
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Whenever I rebuild my bashed patch I see it reported that WB is assigning random hair and eyes to NPCs who are missing them (you need to watch the reported progress as the BP is being rebuilt), but beyond seeing that reported I don't have further info. Could be there is more info on it in the Wrye Bash readmes (found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder).


Thanks for responding, Striker. I see that message too when I rebuild my bashed patch, but I never see any of the COBL races hair/eyes, or any from my other cosmetic mods except a few from OCO, which do not appear to be randomly assigned at all. Wrye Bash must be only assigning vanilla hair and eyes, or that shouldn't be the case. I wish I knew how to make it consider the entire range of what I have installed. I also do not know how many NPCs Wrye Bash is targeting with that operation, either. It might be everyone or it might be a select number. The Wrye Bash manuals do not give any useful information about this, at least not that I can find.

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Okay, I can see in the Wrye Bash options why only Oblivion Character Overhaul is being imported. It and one other mod are the only source mods listed under "Import NPC Faces" in the options. Does anyone know how to add additional source mods to this list? There's no right-click context menu, but there has to be a way.


Edit: It's handled by bash tags. My other cosmetic mods modify hair and eyes only, not faces, so they appear later on, in the race data section and not the NPC face data. Maybe I'm getting closer to figuring out the problem.


Edit again: I think this might be just a bug in Wrye Bash, and it knows it's supposed to be randomly assigning the race data but it's not doing it. I'm going to ask the developers and see if they can help me.

Edited by fulgate
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The other thing to keep in mind about Wrye Bash and bashed tags is that the overall determining factor when more than one mod does the same thing is load order.


So if mods A, B and C all use the same bashed tag and their load order is B, C and then A it will be A's assets that will be used (and if it's C, A, and then B it will be B's).


I would guess that WB is only assigning vanilla assets when rebuilding the BP. A while back I did a bit of research for another thread and my guess was that the NPCs who have "default" for eye colour, hair etc. were the ones that WB was assigning to, but that research didn't yield any conclusive results.


It would be interesting to find out the answer.

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