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CTD Until Reboot!?


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After the latest update I run my fallout to see if everything still works only to find the newest textures I installed are ugly, so I uninstaller them. Upon trying to restart, I CTD. I go through the elaborate process of unchecking mods, updating, updating drivers to stumble across a pattern. On a fresh run of my PC, I can run fallout Once, and after that every attempt to run fallout ends in CTD, Help~

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I have this same problem too. I thought it was because I had conflicting mods, or because I've been merging mods together to make room for more esp's. But even on a fresh install of fallout 4 it happens.


Same issue, I've done every sort of trick I know, It's not like this is the first time I update to find a CTD, but to have it on the condition that it plays fine ONCE if you reboot the PC, that is super specific and odd. God damn you Fallout~

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