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Reference point/POV problem


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Ok, I don't know how I did it, or how to fix it. I installed and got working BBB, with HGEC body. Everything's ok, no breasts trying to streak off the screen, but now, the 1st person camera is sitting at the 7 foot mark while the physical model remains the same height (3rd person, the player character looks of normal height, but in 1st person, the camera's at a 7 foot mark), and all NPCs are looking up, as if the player character is 7 feet tall. Mind you, at first was fun having city guards look up to talk to you, but it makes looting/playing a pain, so the fun wore off fast.
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Are you using Unnecessary Violence II or Deadly Reflex?


- Edit- In case that's the cause of your problem, here's a link to BBB Deadly Reflex 6 Unnecessary Violence II Compatibility Skeleton, courtesy of AlfredTetzlaff, pulled from his post in this thread.

Edited by Striker879
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This is a bit of a shot in the dark, as I don't use any mods that require it, but are you using any mods that require the Vipcxjs Real High Heels System (in particular, are those occasional 'boobs to infinity' times related to what the particular NPC is wearing)?
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