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A little let-down by the wagon rides


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I was honestly hoping that hiring the wagon driver found outside of the major towns would take you the full way to the cities, kind of like the cinematic in the beginning of the game. Skyrim has some gorgeous landscapes, and it would have been nice to sit back and watch it go by. There could even have been an option to skip to the end of the journey.


They did it for the taxi rides in GTA4, why not do it for this game?

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it was also in Red Dead Redemption. Now that we have seen that the wagons can move in the beginning of the game, there will no doubt be a mod for that later. And to be honest, I was actually surprised that they work the way they do. I didn't expect the player to be able to climb in the back of the wagon. I was actually impressed that it would be that good.


But like I said, there will no doubt be a mod for it later. Just give it some time and enjoy the game. I think that Skyrim is amazing even Vanilla. That is saying something coming from a person that is never really happy with vanilla games. There are some areas that could use more polish, but I mean Skyrim as a whole is just plain amazing. The best Bethesda game that I have ever played hands down.



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It's more-or-less a form of "instant gratification" for many of the gamers today. Most people don't want to wait around doing absolutely nothing on the back of a wagon just to get to another city in a virtual world, they don't care for that immersion.


I am one of these people but not because I dislike immersion, but because I've grown tired of waiting to get from one place to another. I used to play World of Warcraft and that game has absolutely no fast-travel to most places, barring portals spawned by mages (which I never played). You could either use a indirect path to a location via a flight-path or make your own with your own mount, but either one was tediously repetitive.


It's the sort of feature that is nice and dandy the first few times you do it, then as the hours go by you realise how painstakingly dull it really is. Once you've seen the path of Whiterun to Solitude over 10 times, you've seen it all. The only time it'll really change is if a dragon pops out and burns your ass whilst you're sleeping in the back.


I wouldn't mind a mod that gives me the option, mind you, because I'd use it until I got bored with it.


Once upon there were no planes. There were no cars. There were no high-powered ships that would take us where we wanted to go. We had to walk, take horseback, use some pitiful excuse for a boat that'd sink the moment you stuck your fat ass into it. The journey's were enjoyable the first few times... then we realised how goddamn annoying it is having to travel several thousand miles just to deliver some poncy little love letter to a spruced up doucebag of a King.

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I like the option of caravans.


On the one hand it gives casuals a chance to get to a city quicker, but on the other hand, you can simply not use it and unlock cities by travelling, unlike Oblivion where all cities are already unlocked.


I tend to use the caravans, because a lot of quests require some major hikage. ;)

Edited by BrknSoul
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