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This game is absolutely fantastic


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Title is pretty straight forward, I know there are a few problems people stated already, but man I am playing this game on xbox and the gfx are insane, runs with 50+ fps, the story is amazing,immersive side quests, good looking armor sets, difficulty balanced, this game deserves goty for the next decade. add one patch per year and youre good to go bethesda


this is just a tribute, anyone else feeling this game is just great even with the minor downsides?

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Yes this is the best solo RPG ever. I could just say best RPG ever, given that its also better than any RPG where you lead a party of characters. Bethesda has really set the standard now.


I thought Oblivion sucked because of the main storyline being so tedious and boring. But this one is completely different. Its amazing.

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Initially I wasn't looking forward to Skyrim. I'm a Morrowind baby, and Oblivion completely killed TES for me with it's over-console porting.


Apart from the blatant UI port from consoles to PC which I don't like at all, the gameplay itself I find rather fantastic! The immersion is far greater (to me) than in Oblivion and it does bring the feel of Morrowind back a bit. a bit I said, not completely, hehe.


All things considered, I'm loving the game. I've played 17 hours and i'm still in and around Whiterun only. The minor issues I have with it I'm sure will be addressed by our excellent modding community once the construction set will be released.


Well done Bethesda, so far, in my books, you've done good :)

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