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Difficulty feels really high


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Skyrim feels a lot more difficult than Oblivion to me. Is it supposed to be that way? I'm doing dungeons and the bosses are next to impossible. Also, the first time you see a troll during the main quest, i just ran past it cuz it was too hard.

Does the world not level up with you anymore? How am I supposed to know what areas are too hard?


I'm playing as a Khajiit (level 8) and I'm using light armor with sword/bow/destruction.


Want to see what others think, cheers!

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Skyrim feels a lot more difficult than Oblivion to me. Is it supposed to be that way? I'm doing dungeons and the bosses are next to impossible. Also, the first time you see a troll during the main quest, i just ran past it cuz it was too hard.

Does the world not level up with you anymore? How am I supposed to know what areas are too hard?


I'm playing as a Khajiit (level 8) and I'm using light armor with sword/bow/destruction.


Want to see what others think, cheers!


The difficulty semi-scales. The game is definitely harder than Oblivion, but in a good way, simply knock down the difficulty or come back later if you're struggling.

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Nah it's not harder.


The very first time I played Oblivion I walked straight into the nearby camp. I had been killing my way out of the sewers and felt very powerful already. There were two bandits in the camp. "Ha! Bring it!," I thought. They killed me instantly. :huh:


A little later on these same bandits are just nuisances. 8)


Same with trolls. Especially those painted ones were pretty nasty I remember.


It's the same in Skyrim. Just avoid them until you're stronger. Leveling is easy enough.

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i feel like i'm being a miserable old hag ranting about how unbelievable the enemy damage output is, and now i see i'm not the only one who suffer from it. Balance patch needed for god's sake! i aint going to bargain with difficulty!
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My first character was a pure mage, what a disaster that was, I spent more time looking at the loading screen than I did playing the game. I re-rolled a warrior and the game is far easier, to me the mages at lower levels are nowhere near powerful enough.
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O rly?


I'm finding it really easy and I play on Master difficulty setting only. I actually wish there was a higher difficulty setting.


Maybe you are finding it difficult because your playstyle/tactics is not good, or you using bad skills, not upgrading your gear regularly, not bringing enough potions with you, etc.


Ive just been using sneak, archery and smithing and have been one shotting most mob. Harder mobs I just run away, fire and keep running, using heal potions when required - sometimes i can jump down the landscape and hide again and they wont find me. Its awesome. I love this game!

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