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Med-Range Computer Having Huge Issues


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Hey everyone, I am having a bit of issues with Skyrim running on my roommate computer. Her weakest compound is the Video card, but I believe it shouldn't be causing it to go so slow. Either ini fix or a mod could completely fix imo. Btw, before you say it, I know 840 is more an Athlon II, but still it can game as good as a 720 BE. Which really isn't that bad!


AMD P2 x4 840

Nvidia GTX 520

Crucial Ballistix 8gig

[No OC at all]



Everything set to Lowest

Mods: Skyrim Better Performance


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If you've set everything to it's lowest then there's not much else you can do, I guess you can try disabling background processes/programs like the anti virus. Patches my improve performance or a future mod might do something but as of now I think you're out of luck. :(
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