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i thought id try something different so i chose to build a stealth based battle mage (khajiit) the skills i want to train are:





one handed





light armor


so far it works


what kind of character did you make and what skills are you learning?

Edited by Smelly123
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I made a female high-elf thief. Training a lot in sneak and archery, not so much in pickpocketing so far but it is easy enough to loot people and places so far, as long as I am decent with a lockpick. I was hoping to have a sort of seductive diplomat kind of character, someone who can talk their way into and out of just about anything and thus can use the opportunity to steal rare and precious items, but the perk system has me spread really thin trying to support archery, pickpocketing, sneaking, one-handed for daggers, light armour, alchemy for poisons, AND speechcraft, plus probably a couple of others I have forgotten about and any of the schools of magic if I want to be able to do anything remotely magey. There's a lot of stuff to balance if I want to be the character I envision, but I quickly run out of road with my main skills' perks when requirements jump from about 20 to 40 or 50.
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Bosmer Witch Slayer.



Destruction (Fire)


Alchemy (but I haven't had much need to poison my bow)


Very confined role.


Combat is just picking people off from afar with a Fire Rune on choke points. If they get close, I just Roll forward, turn around and blast em with a Fireball :D

Also, Throw Voice is my best friend <3

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Nord Thief:





For gear:




Thats about it for perks :) Everything else gained is incidental. (Light armor, lockpicking, speechcraft etc.)


Its funny when you get "ambushed" and the wannabe ambushers just stand there... uhm where is our target? :D

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