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What NPC Do You Hate The Most?


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Karliah & Serana come to mind, though it is not necessarily their fault only that the writing associated with them is stupid in my view.


Barbas is a good call as well, again, not that the NPC itself is all that bad, but the implementation with the super forced force-greet that starts his quest is.

"Have you seen a dog?"

Chaotic Evil argonian: "No, and I don't care. Now get out of my way before I kill everyone in this pathetic town.

"Have. You. Seen. A. Dog."


Argonain: Another head. Bishop, add 1 to the total.

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The cart rider, For telling me I never been to Solitude before. Every. Single. Trip.

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Let me see...


Essential NPCs

Invincible NPCs

Everyone in Riverwood (Some of them are invincible, which makes it really hard to correctly roleplay)

The Greybeards (them and their Godforsaken Ice Form shout)

Bandits (They are all pretty much the same people with the same dialogue)

Any guard (I have gotten the 'Divine Punishment for the mentioning of Arrows in Knees' mod to mostly solve their annoyance)


That's about it.

Edited by TuffMcKagan
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I hate the peoples in the theives guild as all they do is break the law and claim to do it as a means to keep the peace... Seriously? Why dont you try improving Riften instead of robbing and "teaching a lesson" to the people who have the money and enterprise to help the city. Also everyone you go after (excluding the certain spoiler people) are good people who are tired of being pushed around. Even the spoiler people arent all to bad.


The other group is everyone in the blue palace. Freakin incompetent the lot of em. Wolves in cave?

Queen: send a hundred soldiers at it!

Advisor: uh no lets do nothing. We need those soldiers to reinforce our defenses.

Everybody else: *silence*


Problems here are obvious.

1) did the queen not get involved in anything her late husband did to run things? Really? I get wanting to help but my gawd over kill is overkill.

2) do nothing because you need people to guard the castle? You have as freakin Imperial garison and the Imperial commander up in there! Ask him if you can borrow a couple troops go investigate. Im sure she could get something. Even if they had to send hold troops out and have some of the imps sub in would still help solve the issue.

3) no one offered any possible solutions!

4) they paid a guy covered in blood and looks like a barbarian who probably spent a few minutes running in circles, going through everybodies pockets, ate a rediculous amount of food in a rediculously short period, ate some flowers, posed in goofy ways, yelled a vase off of a side table, and carried enough junk to furnish 9 houses to go look at a creepy cave!


There are other reasons but that should be suitable

Number 4 laughed harder and longer than I should have only because it is true for so many people.

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I hate the peoples in the theives guild as all they do is break the law and claim to do it as a means to keep the peace... Seriously? Why dont you try improving Riften instead of robbing and "teaching a lesson" to the people who have the money and enterprise to help the city. Also everyone you go after (excluding the certain spoiler people) are good people who are tired of being pushed around. Even the spoiler people arent all to bad.

Uh, the Thieves Guild in Skyrim never claims to be anything more then thieves and smugglers.

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I know I've said I hate the "Fugitive." Just to clarify: I really, really, hate the Fugitive. Like.... really, a lot.


Recently was stealthing the Forsworn hanging outside Broken Tower Redoubt, using a bow & throw voice shout. Picked off the first, decoyed the other 2 - for once, Serana was far enough out of the picture that their aggro didn't trigger her combat mode. Next thing I know I get dumped with a pair of Elven Gauntlets of Annoyance or some such sh** and am in dialogue with you-know-who. To top it off, as soon as he breaks from dialogue, the remaining Forsworn spot him and start firing arrows. His resultant fleeing for his life somehow totally breaks my cover and now they're firing at me. Aaargh.... Man, if someone made a mod deleting that fink from the game, I'd DL it in a second.

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I would love for there to be a mod where I can turn to Nazeem and say "Why yes, I am on my way to the Cloud District right now for lunch with the Jarl, then I'm going to bang Irileth's brains out again."


But Delphine is the NPC I loathe and detest the most. After completing the Paarthurnax Dilemma I set the obnoxious cow to non-essential then shout her off the top of Skyhaven.

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1. the guy selling items in exchange for soul husks in soul cairn.i want to find his body, resurrect him, and kill him using coins or something.greedy ***

2. ysolda - i read she still mentions about mikael this , mikael that after you get married.we used to "benefit" each other though..so she's better than the greedy dead merchant. except if shes your wife.lol

3. guards- "i heard theyre reforming the dawnguard vampire hunters or something blah blah blah..." plus theyre annoying when enemies are inside of town.

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