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Is it possible to be a pure caster????


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To be a pure caster you must master the usage of your magicka and know the various magic skills, perks and their uses. Here is how I see it:


Destruction: Your bread and butter, allowing you to go Emperor Palpatine on your enemies for good old dps. Also, remember to use traps such as Flame Runes before or even during battle.


Restoration: Absolutely vital for a mage because of the perk that increases your magicka regen rate by 50% total. Healing is also necessary as are the shielding wards.


Conjuration: You will at peak be able to summon two powerful atronauchs or one powerful summon I have yet to find. All abut fielding a small army or tough friend..


Alteration: Make yourself harder to kill! the Atronauch perk allows you to absorb 30% of enemy magicka thrown at you and increase armor buffs using a perk that makes stoneflesh and the like far more effective if you only wear robes.


Illusion: I have not delved into it, but one perk makes casting spells silent for sneak kills on groups of enemies


Enchaning: Not necessarily magic, but necessary for increasing your output by helping you magic regen and other key attributes.



There are other things, but yes being a pure caster is possible so long as you keep everything in perspective and be prepared. This build implies pouring everything into magicka and being able to effectively monitor and use your pool of energy. This is the path to true power! Also, finding another mage as a companion can help provided you can avoid friendly fire situations or they will turn on you! For such, go to the College of Winterhold for mage companions or complete the Azura Shrine Quest.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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try player.modav mana <what you think is a more reasonable amount of mana> in the console. That's what I did with my caster in oblivion when i felt i had no mana. That's what the console is for-- tweaking the game. Not sure if mana is the correct value. This video appears to instruct you on enchantment exploits to eliminate mana cost:
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I'm like a battle mage. I wear heavy plate armor, mace on 1 hand and on the other hand i cast flames. I let lydia which is a tank take all the damage and all the agro then i can just help finish the AI or burn them to a crisp. SO if you're a mage, it's going to be difficult going solo. Get a tank companion or another mage that will have different spalls.
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Staff of Sanguine people (or was it Rose? its a staff with a rose on top anyway) i never bothered with the atronachs, since this gives you a dremora lord that tanks for you :thumbsup:


Im a bit sleepdeprived so might have it wrong but..


If your using a destruction spell that is higher level then the perk that goes with it; you will run OOM really fast casting those and they wont do max damage. check your spellbooks and perks before you decide to use certain spells. IIRC In Oblivion you could not cast destruction spells below your destruction level untill you hit the cap at 25, 50, etc. Skyrim does not work like that, you can just cast aways if you have the spell and a manapool, but those higher level spells wont work as well then and cost way more mana.

It's a bit of work, but once you got it down, you can cast higher level spells with much smaller mana costs and increased damage. Once you figured it out only bosslike mobs might give you some trouble, but i got a fireball staff for those.


eg: dont use adapt fire spells if you never bothered to upgrade from novice. The only exception might be to use those if you know that certain npc's are really vulnerable to fire


The only real melee weapon i use is a dagger with a soultrap enchant on it to deliver finishing blows or fill those petty gems

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