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I think you just need to blank out the two fragments before removing the script in the CK.

Delete ";CODE NOT LOADED", then hit the remove button.

Or maybe I didn't test this fully enough...

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Ha ha nope, tried that! Deleting ;CODE NOT LOADED does nothing in the long run. Remove Script does nothing in the long run. Tried that. I save, close, and reopen the quest. ;CODE NOT LOADED comes right back and so does the missing script. 

I'll tinker around with TESVEdit a bit more but I think there isn't much hope. I'll have to start all over, pretty much. 

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Tested it again on my end, and it does appear to work:

1- Delete the script .pex and .psc

2- Launch CK, blank out the fragment boxes, then remove the script, and save and exit.

3- Re-delete the script .pex and .psc (not sure how/why they reappeared).

4- Load it up once more in the CK.

5- Create new content for the fragment boxes, and save and exit.

I'm testing this with the LE version of the CK.

If it still don't work... double check the timestamps on your TIF script files and make sure the CK is able to write in the output directory (...\MO2\overwrite in my case).

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10 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

Tested it again on my end, and it does appear to work:

1- Delete the script .pex and .psc

Problem is, the corresponding .pex and .psc files are missing!

I got a brand new hard drive last summer, see. I had backed up all my .esps in the past, but hadn't backed up my Scripts folder, not since earlier in 2024 anyway. The .esp seems to be looking for scripts that are no longer there, see?

 I am just tinkering around in xEdit right now, and what worked for me was right-clicking in the area next to VMAD, and selecting Remove. That got rid of the main script (scripts tab) but the fragments were still there. I had to remove any instance of ;CODE NOT LOADED manually, and then remove the script fragment shell from each dialog. Hey, it's working so far! 

Tried typing GetOwningQuest().SetStage(x), since those don't require properties, and got error messages. But like you said, I can try configuring the timestamp next.





10 hours ago, xkkmEl said:



Edited by xenaclone
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Any idea what it means when I try to compile a script and I get ...

C:\"My game folders"\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ReferenceAlias.psc(random numbers): argument abfadeout is not specified and has no default value?

There are a bunch of error messages like that, the only difference is the random number parts. (92,6) or (104,6) are examples. 


EDIT: furthermore, the TIF icon does show up, but I get a message saying SCRIPTS: Cannot open store for class "TIF_randomnumbers", missing file?

At least I can open Edit Source. That's something new which wasn't working before.  

Edited by xenaclone
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The numbers are not random.  The first ones that you mention refer to the line number and character position where the 'error' can be located on the mentioned script.  The second one, is a record ID number that is incorporated into the topic info script name.

Since ReferenceAlias is a stock script, I suspect that you may need to extract the scripts.zip or scripts.rar file (depending on game version).  The scripts archive is provided by the Creation Kit rather than the game as PSC files are not used by the game.

Without seeing the code being compiled and the actual error result, replies can only be vague at best.

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