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@thumbincubation: from what I understand--I could be wrong--changes to NPCs like adding to their inventory won't work in an additive way with other mods that do the same. So if your mod adds a hat and another mod adds a sword, both won't be added but rather only the item added by the mod lower in your load order. I think. Imagine if some mod in your load order added a quest item, but your mod (lower in load order) added a hat. I suspect the quest item wouldn't be there anymore unless scripting or use of aliases was employed.


@Lofgren - got it. Okay.

@IsharaMeradin - Thank you. I think I'll be able to handle that-though it's crazy how such a seemingly simple move requires such complication ! It makes me wonder how mods like immersive armors and cloaks of skyrim (?) and those altering npc appearances--presumably all mods that alter actor records--how they're able to co-exist.

Ah, thank you.


Ishara, do you know if wrye bash does the same for the NPCs? I'm new to using it and I noticed that, once I'd built a patch, some of my modded armors vanished, reappeared once I deleted that patch.

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No. Wrye Bash only merges leveled lists for Skyrim. For other records you can try making a TES5Edit Merged Patch. But you'd have to delete any leveled list entries it should make because the bashed patch handles them better. And an xEdit merged patch isn't going to catch everything. For some things you'd have to check what conflicts on a record by record basis and manually make a patch if it is really necessary.


WB probably re-did the leveled list and that item was no longer viable for the NPC but its data was already loaded thus it vanished.

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Is there a dynamic and procedural way to fill a form list with every recipe for armor and weapons?

The intent is to parse this formlist for the names and baseid of that weapon and armor and as such create a function for GetRecipe().

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It's said a million times--but I wanted to again express appreciation for the help offered in this thread. It makes working in the hellscape (CK) bearable :D


q: If I want dialogue conditions on an npc to assess the player's 'renown' in a given location, how would I do that ? What metric would I be using here ? I could check to see if particular quests for that city are completed, but I'd like something more generalizable--like, 'is sufficiently liked by town'.


Any ideas ?

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There are global variables that keep track of the number of friends you have in each hold. I don't remember their names right now, but they are used by the thane quests.


Edit: They are, predictably, the FriendsCountXXXX global variables, where XXXX is the name of the hold.

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Do the function AddItem, EquipItem, and UnequipItem take Form ID or EditorName?

for example, should I use 0200575A or DLC1LD_AetherialCrown when calling functions AddItem, EquipItem, and UnequipItem?

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