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This is a first for me. I dropped a creature ( frostbite spider ) into the render window but can't edit / move / delete it. Normally this means you have an edit window for the item already open somewhere. But in this case there isn't one open; and the problem persists for only that item even on a re-opening of the CK. Any ideas ?


Edit: hm. never solved this, but just used the CK to delete it.

Edited by csbx
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I tried adding a property to a QF; it failed to add. I added again. Now that fragment won't compile without errors: "already defined"

How do I wipe out these apparently duplicate property declarations ? they don't show up under properties.

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I was under the impression that modifying worldspace navmesh was NOT the way to do this ? I'm asking if I am supposed to do this only using NAVCUT methods.


You can use whatever method you prefer, a NAVCUT is much better for you as the mod author as you won't be changing the underlying navmesh and so won't have to deal with compatibility issues with other mods. Making numerous patches for one of your mods that edits the exterior worldspace just to deal with navmesh conflicts with other mods can get a bit much if you've done some extensive changes in a popular area such as a main city and you end up having to deal with conflicts with many other mods.


If that deals with your situation when it comes to NPCs not running into an object is up to you, some situations are complex enough that using NAVCUTs, even multiples of them won't be enough as the NPCs might still get hung up on some spot of world geometry or a mesh. In that case you'll have to modify the navmesh directly and deal with any compatibility issues as they come up.

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