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[LE] Quick Questions, Quick Answers

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Maybe it helps.



    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(self, "IdleStop")
    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(self, "IdlePray")        ; we need this idle to get a new instrument ready to show
    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(self, "IdleStop")


; it would be useful to know which is idle running on Eldrid
; "idleSalute"
; "idleLookFar"
; "IdlePray"
; "IdleDrinkPotion"
; "IdleLaugh"
; "sneakStart"
; "IdleNervous"
; "idleMQ201Drink"
; "IdleApplaud5"



another alternative to stop the idle

    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(self, "sneakStart")    ; make npc sneaking
    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(self, "sneakStop")     ; to end "sneakStart" idle


we assume self is the actor you have the script attached

    actor aRef = self as Actor

    aRef.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference)
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Hello ReDragon2013,


thank you for this code, I think, it will do. I reply again, if I have it implemented.


Greetings, Tasheni


Edit: I used the idle drunkstart. My fault was, to try to end this with idlestop, but it has to be drunkstop. Now it works. Thank you.

Edited by Tasheni
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Hi there, I'm trying to make markers visible in the CK. However, when I use the show/hide menu it won't work when I click on it.

All the markers are greyed out and when I click on the Markers tickbox it briefly shows an x and then instantly disappears.

I'm trying to show these markers because some objects are disappearing when I go in-game and load my mod. I read a post

that tells me to show the markers to fix this.

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Hi there, I'm trying to make markers visible in the CK. However, when I use the show/hide menu it won't work when I click on it.

All the markers are greyed out and when I click on the Markers tickbox it briefly shows an x and then instantly disappears.

I'm trying to show these markers because some objects are disappearing when I go in-game and load my mod. I read a post

that tells me to show the markers to fix this.


When you made your plugin, what other plugins did you load? Sounds to me like you tried using records from another ESP file. If you did not 'esmify' an ESP file and tried to use its records, those records will not be saved. That could very well explain the disappearing items.

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I decided to just re-install the creation kit when I realized I wouldn't actually lose anything if I did.

So I did that, made sure I could load hearthfire and the other dlcs again, loaded them together with 2 existing mods and my mod

and it fixed the problem :D thanks for trying to help though. If you want to know: I did everything exactly the same as I did when it

didn't work, so I have no idea what went wrong the first time.

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Hi community, another question:


I want to fire dialogue when my companion passes patrolling guards. But they have no reference because they are spawning. The GetDistance condition is obsolet with that. How can I achieve this? I tried GetIsVoiceType, but that doesn't work.

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Hi there, I'm trying to make markers visible in the CK. However, when I use the show/hide menu it won't work when I click on it.

All the markers are greyed out and when I click on the Markers tickbox it briefly shows an x and then instantly disappears.

I'm trying to show these markers because some objects are disappearing when I go in-game and load my mod. I read a post

that tells me to show the markers to fix this.



The M key toggles them

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Maybe it is working as intended. If the object is on multiple NPCs, it could be possible that an NPC out of sight but in a cell newly loaded has it equipped. If that is the case, the player dies on cell load.


It is not that NPCs get neglected, the scripting for player and NPCs is almost the same. The problem comes that if you aren't working with specific NPCs, you have to figure out some dynamic way of applying the script to the NPCs. That is where it gets tricky and where it can open the door for other issues.


Even if you were to put an enchantment on the item to perform the task, it would most likely still kill the player on cell load should some NPC in a newly loaded cell have it equipped. This is why there has to be the check to ensure that the object is still equipped prior to killing the player after having waited a bit.


If you haven't, make your tests on a new game or save that hasn't seen the mod. Could be script data baked into the save that is preventing the changes from working. If you haven't done that, do that first before changing how you do it.

FYI I kinda set this aside for a while to work on other elements, but I have been testing with one NPC at a time; it would be kinda crazy to dole out an instant-kill item to a room full of people... I have been testing with clean saves as much as possible, but some weirdness has happened when I reload an in-progress save without actually making changes in between. I do have to make sure it doesn't break in-progress saves either...


Anyway, this doesn't seem to have been the quickest question. Moving on... Here's another:


Is there a good tutorial out there specifically for papyrus fragments? I've been working on dialogue choices that have fun in-game effects, with limited success, but days of googling have turned up very little when it comes to the nuts and bolts of how to code fragments. I keep being redirected to pages about building full-on scripts, and this info is not translating one-to-one when I'm dealing with fragments. What info I do find is always missing crucial context, because they assume a lot of foreknowledge which I do not have. Or it's WAY too specific about how to do ONE thing, without going into the logic behind that choice, or where they found that info...

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A fragment script is a regular papyrus script which is comprised of one function block per fragment in use by the object (quest, topic info, package, etc). The Creation Kit creates and adds to the full script as you enter code for each fragment. The only real thing to pay attention to is that you cannot code with a property without first creating the property and you cannot create the property without first having the full script created. So it is best to enter a commented line (a single semi-colon is sufficient) and compile the fragment. After that you can add your properties and code as you wish.

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